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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Or maybe fixing the problem with the toilet which was mentioned the previous days .
  2. It will remain a big question if Pam could claim the “ Anal Queen “title from Kylie ,if she’s also having anal sex as easy as she anally bates 🤔
  3. You can go out and it’s cold and here that is warm we are still locked . Madness .
  4. I apologize to anyone who is reading the posts and they are off topic , I don’t want to have differences with anyone . I come here and post what I think and believe for this apartment and I challenge anyone to find any post by me that I spoke any vulgar language for any forum member or tenant . I am asking one thing , what’s the point to give an emoji reaction than if you don’t agree or hate or whatever I post to be adults and talk about it , exchange opinions , agree , disagree and maybe at the end reach a common conclusion ? Is communication so difficult nowadays ? I apologize again but this won’t prevent me from posting here , the good friend patou gave his opinion , I can’t understand how difficult this is for the rest who prefer the emojis than the posts .
  5. And yet again you choose the easy path because we are trying to have an adult talk here . You are doing it again and again and again. I have been called many things , humiliated , bullied and never stepped back , I always fight for my right to post anything , anywhere , respecting the forum rules . As for what’s going on in the forum , I know exactly what’s going on with the admin and the moderators and I am not afraid to say it . Admin is obsessed with the Alexa numbers and he is allowing whatever opinions and posts and trolling forum members so as to keep traffic for this site for the Alexa numbers . And this is the resume . During my months here that I post , I have gained enough respect so I am also informed about many things that they happen here . But I always fight for a forum that all opinions can be heard and never stepped back ( except of a period of a month here that I considered it pointless ) . So , I suggest that you stay and be stronger and give your ideas and opinions than stepping back ( only to return in two weeks again more or less)
  6. What the posts concerning the GOV apartment have to do and what I want to see there and how their lives are and what I want to see in this particular apartment ? They are two completely different things . Thank you for opening a chat with me by the way by checking my activity , many times I have asked you questions directly or indirectly and as per your right of course , you never answered . Congratulations , you checkmated me because you took a post referring to a different concept so as to prove a whatever point I have been stating ( and will keep on for as long as I can ) for months here . By the way , since I read it only now , why haven’t you been posting your opinion when I ask again and again what I personally like to see here ( and not what I demand from the girls to do ) and you take a post of mine to show hypocrisy as you say ? Why don’t you state like with my posts your opinion ?
  7. Hello my confused emoji friend , I guess this apartment can’t stand criticism so as perhaps to become better and enjoy all some nice talks . Enjoy the thread with the equals like you and write things to one another , you can’t unfortunately see that this thread is only a place that 4-5 people have left to post and comment because a different opinion ( especially when presented with arguments so it can be debatable ) is posted . Don’t worry , you will soon be creating extra accounts so one account gives upvotes to the other because like the decline of this thread since last April same period ( a look at past threads can also convince you if you doubt ) is mathematically certain that it will be the thread of the 5-6 hardcore fans instead of a thread that should perhaps be the busiest with comments and posts since the good friend slipper says that girls are top cams . Imagine top cams , almost no traffic in chats . Make the math .
  8. Leora loves Malia and is waiting desperately to send her back to Russia 😂🤣 everything is exactly as you say it 😂🤣
  9. Les vols ne s'arrêtent jamais de fonctionner, si elle voulait rentrer, elle pourrait le faire très facilement. Il vous suffit de montrer que vous vivez dans votre pays de naissance et il n'y a pas automatiquement de restrictions pour revenir en arrière. Ça ne me dérangerait pas qu’elle soit colocataire Leora, mais honnêtement, près de 15 mois maintenant, je ne l’ai pas vue faire quoi que ce soit. Cuisiner, décorer un peu l'appartement et lui donner l'impression d'être dans une vraie maison, étudier, jouer à des jeux, je ne sais vraiment pas quelle activité pourrait la rendre heureuse. C’était un couvre-feu et des restrictions, mais moi, personnellement, j’espérais connaître et en savoir un peu plus sur Malia après tant de mois, comme si ce serait normal et que cela se passe avec tous les participants du RLC. Merci pour votre réponse bon ami 😇
  10. Let’s try again then today .. What’s the purpose then of still having Malia in this apartment ? What’s her contribution for a paying RLC subscriber ? Why doesn’t finally pack her things and go and stay at the place she likes to be 2-3 times per week ? Can honestly someone answer what’s her presence benefiting RLC ? Is her presence only happening so she keeps Leora company in the evenings ? Or to help her put oil massage ? Or to help the ratings by masturbating together ? 14, almost 15 months , what and who is Malia ? What does she like ? What does she hate ? What are her skills ? What’s her personality ? Has her overall presence helped RLC as a business or has she been able to attract subscribers ? Or Leora is so desperate to be left alone ( but also wants to send her back in Mama Russia when borders open ) ? Unfortunately , she hasn’t developed any character as she is such a weak person and she has stayed under the shadow of Leora and she never demanded , required or asked anything to happen her way . It has always been like the Queen wants . And that’s why in my opinion since the beginning of 2021 she spends so many hours and days outside of the apartment , that is to feel free and breathe freedom in a more normal world and away from the cameras . I hope she either gets her own apartment if she wishes to stay with RLC and then her whole potential is unfold or finally make the right thing , pack and go and live at the place where she clearly enjoys herself outside of this apartment .
  11. I would be the last to doubt you when you say that something happened . It is the history of posts that make a poster “ trustworthy “ , mistakes happen , it’s a human thing 😇
  12. I was reading the last 30 minutes all the events that happened that night . I have videos of the evening which were uploaded here but not archived to search easy .
  13. One mistake in 100 right archived stories , that’s fine statistics by me 😎
  14. I will only say it’s not wise of you doubting Noldus . Enjoy the rest of the evening posting ☺️
  15. I am sorry that I will not satisfy your request .. Something that has been mentioned repeatedly at the forum ( her extra weight ) , it should in my opinion praised that she recognizes the problem and finally she might be making an effort . For months she seemed not caring and look the results . She even phoned someone some months ago asking for help .
  16. I think with Carlos there ( and most importantly without alcohol ) nothing like this will happen . Claire is off character when she’s usually under alcohol influence
  17. Isn’t it my right to comment ? Are we dictated now what , where and how many times we post or what time we can do it ? is it in any rule that I am forbidden ? Did I say anything characterizing you ?
  18. Very good seeing Amalia for the 2nd day in a row exercising , perhaps she has really felt that it’s been too much her “ extra weight “ since she rejoined RLC
  19. On a side note , I find it rather encouraging that there are also others in the apartment , Pam’s guy can feel even more comfortable and get familiar with the cameras ☺️
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