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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I don’t criticize or judge one time events that show a temporary image but the whole picture based on the whole behavior of a tenant . You are right with your arguments but my belief is that Serafima and Milena had no interest or any fun being part of RLC except getting the money . Milena was closed in her room week after week waiting for her belly to grow bigger , she had no connection with anyone in general . Sera during her previous stay she demanded to move her in downtown because she wanted to party . She was just having fun ( totally nice and great ) but she had no participation in anything with the others . This is something that me personally as a subscriber don’t like , but it is my taste and for someone else is perfectly fine and I respect . Amalia she still makes shows, her previous stay she had sex on camera , I am sure she wouldn’t have a problem also now but I believe her guy didn’t want to do things on camera . Ariana is pleasure to see because she is social with the others , she visits the apartments , her aura is pleasant to watch and observe her . Plus , she has the best orgasms of the cast 😂🤣😁
  2. There are many confirmation posts that she has a child , this makes it really difficult if she was willing to get an apartment to happen . On the other hand , it could only be in Rome that RLC currently has no other available apartments , realistically then , we get the chance to see her as a visitor 😇
  3. The most obvious scenario has the ex Tanya’s BF return from Barcelona on Monday and waiting to see if they both visit Babi in Masha’s apartment . With anything we have seen , it is possible that we see Babi , Tanya and the ex all having an evening and ending in Masha’s bed . Last time it ended in a threesome ( no Babi but Masha ), Alessandro will be a catalyst if he appears as he seems to remain faithful and not willing to cheat . The problem is that both girls seemed open to do anything on camera with the guys after taking a shower and appearing in the LR naked and only with the towels before Tanya vomited after the very last drink she had and her ex falling asleep while she was showering because Alessandro was playing the guitar . Next week with Masha in Barcelona and the above possible scenario , makes it an interesting week for RLC to look forward to ☺️
  4. emnv said that the spare bed is for a couple ( Masha and BF most probably ) .. if it all goes crazy though , who knows what happens 😂🤣 sometimes plans simply don’t work .
  5. Thank you , I am surprised , i thought she was a mama already ☺️
  6. Milena isolated herself from everyone , she was closed in her room , she changed all barcelona apartments , from the villa to B1 then in B2 . My interpretation is that something wasn’t right with her , it can’t be that all the girls were wrong and she was the right , perhaps her pregnancy hormones were a factor also . I don’t know if she put differences aside with the others , I only know that what gives life to RLC are its customers and very few were happy seeing her after a certain point . About Sera , it is clear that she has an outside private life , the same like Leora and Malia that we ( or at least me ) criticize negative . She isn’t enjoying her stay , she’s just there for the paycheck and in a way she contributes nothing as a tenants ( Amalia , Monica Amira ,they participate in events and they visits others , Ariana is the most social of them all and Radislava has a large personal fan club) . She uses B1 ( Sera ) clearly to sleep when she doesn’t sleep outside . This tells me she has an agenda and RLC is just her daily / weekly / monthly income .
  7. It’s different to have an argument and a period not on good terms with someone ( especially between girls you know how they are ) than behaving in a bitchy and totally disrespectful way like Sera has done . I don’t say that the others are “ Saints “ but at least they have a normal attitude towards the others . Anyway , Sera has her own agenda and anyone knows this , her on and off camera actions are the best confirmation for this .
  8. We will need minimum 2 extra threads I believe today .. especially prime time Europe and USA time , it will be a fun forum 😉
  9. On a personal note , my wish tonight is to see Radislava in the party and enjoying herself ☺️
  10. Radislava and Amira arguments ( current with radi , past with Amira ) .. she was visiting kind of uninvited the villa the first time we saw her during this stay .. on that night , she was kind of asking for money if she was asked to give a cigarette to another girl to smoke
  11. Well done , info today only ? Because when she left RLC she seemed to be already in advanced pregnancy .
  12. Martina paid the whole amount , it was when they were both in B4 and left together in the morning . It’s also a lot that happened that same night that she was there . Anyway , anyone can make their opinion for any tenant , it’s not a coincidence that she’s isn’t appreciated( Sera ) amongst the majority of the tenants .
  13. Sera .. Better not count her “ bad things “ she has done over her repeated stays .
  14. Last time she shared one with Serafima and she had to pay the whole price because Serafima didn’t want to share ..
  15. I know I will get hate notes or comments again but I will say it one more time . The problem in my humble opinion that this apartment isn’t getting the feedback it used to be or there aren’t many people who praise Leora as in the past and also a reason that not many posts are being written by many members , it is the fact that both girls have broken the rule of RLC of having their lives on camera . I don’t by any explanation given accept that for more than 1,5 years now , we haven’t seen any visitor or a bit of social life in this apartment , it has never occurred in the history of this site . Now , again , i don’t say what they should do , but what as a viewer would like to see . As there are people who enjoy the cuddles , the masturbations and anything similar , i am paying to see real life behaviors as much as possible . The problem is that what I say as an opinion of what I would like to watch as a subscriber of RLC is presented here from supporters and worshipers that I demand or suggest or i don’t know what else the way to have an opinion like this is what I want from the girls to do . I have learned to live with this negativity that my thoughts create here in this apartment , but being a very active CC user , I assure you that this is the complain of the majority of the forum members ( then comes the shows etc )
  16. In the UK, big news.. you will see how it will be trending worldwide today .. they even have a house here on the island I live as they have connections to Corfu .
  17. I find him an interesting character , like any of us , he has his negative things . I have never managed to be able to accuse people that are clever .
  18. I always believed that both him and Elisabeth had found the immortality elixir 😂 .. I guess it is really now the famous “ hope dies penultimate , last dies Elisabeth “ .
  19. I agree that the answer seems obvious but sometimes things aren’t as we 99% think
  20. There are totally different guys .. Masha’s guy has a very strange personality that somehow he “wins “ everyone and people enjoy being around him .. Cesar is a complicated person , very clever in my opinion , he has smelled opportunities being around RLC people and takes advantage of it .
  21. I always have an opinion about Cesar that isn’t likable here at the forum so I syntoma want to create tension with my opinion about him , but as far as the parties are concerned , he has always delivered some fun things and usually things have happened amongst tenants 😉
  22. Yes , I haven’t read anywhere so far about appearances from other Barcelona apartments ( in which case is a pity if they haven’t been invited or being different if they have rejected the invitation- although I don’t know who would say no to a party in the villa when they don’t get the chance of such events because of the virus )
  23. The thing is that we don’t know how Bogdan is involved in this and if he is going to have kind of an observing role or he will also enjoy the maximum without caring . I hope that substances used not to create problems like with Holly the previous time .
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