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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Kitty’s mom has the exotic beauty of her daughter .. and Smith’s , the male aura of him , he is a nice looking guy ☺️Between the two I would also first choose Kitty’s mama but I would never say never to Smith’s of course 😁
  2. et quand ils le font, ils commencent des relations avec d'autres personnes ou restent fidèles à la personne qu'ils aiment? Pensez-vous que Leora aime Paul plus que la vie que RLC donne à Leora et l'argent? Si Paul et le chien étaient toute sa vie et les choses les plus importantes, ne resterait-elle pas en Russie pour essayer de trouver des solutions là-bas? À la fin, combien de personnes feraient comme Leora? Si c'était vous, abandonneriez-vous les choses les plus importantes de la vie juste pour l'argent? Et ok, l’argent que je comprends, disons ... est-ce que vous «oublieriez» si facilement la personne que vous aimez d’avoir quelqu'un d’autre pour passer votre temps chaque fois que vous vous ennuyez ou resteriez-vous fidèle à la personne que vous aimez?
  3. Aren’t we allowed to come here and comment ? And at least you come with an opinion ( of course never towards me whenever I tried to ask you your opinions but you didn’t want to answer and that’s fine as I said , I totally respect ) ... are we saying anything bad disrespecting the girls ? Or other forum members ? Are we writing in a way that it is inappropriate ? Or should we also post like pulo ? We have the right to post anytime , anything respecting with our comments the forum members and the tenants according to the forum rules . If you believe that me personally i am going off rules , please let me know as Nicholas did a couple of days ago and we had a chat here in a very respected way I believe .
  4. This we know she loves it , for me it is fine .. the problem is that she doesn’t seem to be interested in the day after the cameras ( judging of what we see in front of cameras that we see that since 1,5 years , most interests are spas , beauty salons , nails and tourist life in general ) .
  5. Je suis d'accord avec tout cela. Mais alors, c'est surtout un partenariat commercial, puis tout le reste.
  6. I am saying since many months that Paul erotically is a nice past . I even doubt that if Leora will approach him again for whatever reason in the future , if he will accept her as a girlfriend as well . As redole said , only if he travels back to Prague and stays for some period , maybe we can make some better conclusions . I agree totally that Leora cares the most only for Leora ☺️
  7. je crois aussi qu'elle l'aime .. mais plus comme un petit ami mais comme sa meilleure amie qui fera confiance aveuglément pour toujours et pour toujours
  8. This I can’t also wait to see . Then I think everyone will get the answers
  9. Je suis d'accord ... Leora trahit-elle donc Paul? est-ce moral dans la vie quand on aime quelqu'un d'avoir un autre homme? Après plus de 10 ans à vivre comme un couple marié, on abandonne si facilement la vie avec la personne qu'on aime, le chien qu'on aime et on part dans un pays étranger pour gagner de l'argent? Et ok, la décision était que, si nous aimons quelqu'un, nous faisons quelque chose avec quelqu'un qui est un «jouet» pendant 9 mois? "Les jouets" sont pour une semaine, un mois ou deux ... s'il est un jouet, pourquoi Leora est-elle heureuse et triste à son sujet alors qu'elle devrait l'ignorer à mon avis?
  10. I think Leora plays the male friend in Prague according to her needs ( because he really likes her ) and she really has feelings for Paul but not anymore erotical but as being her soul mate / best friend that she can never lose . I could say that Paul in my eyes looks like what Alberto is for Martina .
  11. So , if in life we love someone , what’s the purpose to have a lover ?
  12. Si elle est amoureuse de Paul, pourquoi 9 mois elle est avec un loverboy / BF? Quel est ce type alors?
  13. This is her 2nd or 3rd time in Masha’s , she was first introduced to us last year from Babi in Barcelona
  14. This was mentioned yesterday GAG-HER 2,438 Posted 21 hours ago The rule has been changed slightly for today and tomorrow , you can stay out until midnight if your going to a church service.. leora did have plans to be with boyfriend today but they might have changed because what was said in the phone call last night. When she left this afternoon she was going for a much needed coffee and a long walk.
  15. We don’t know so much as to judge how Leora is with relations because we have actually never seen her having one except with Paul . I can only say that if she is difficult or demanding , as you say , there’s another person in her life to judge this . But if a man likes a woman very much , as i truly believes likes her , he makes patience and he accepts all her mood swings . I could say that maybe she is like Kitty ( if you watch other RLC apartments ) , she has a guy that she likes but she wants him to be I think according to her standards , many times the guy doesn’t accept and she gets mad because maybe this is what she has asked from him since the beginning . Maybe she told him not to question her actions and whenever he does it ( fair or unfair ) , she gets mad . My point is one .. I still haven’t an answer from anyone. If this is a guy ( loverboy , BF ) as it has been mentioned , what is Paul ?
  16. Mauri says that they used to be a couple and they have a child of 4 years old .. it didn’t work as a couple as it seems but they have stayed in great terms ☺️
  17. Non credo che i combattimenti siano falsi ... ma una cosa so per certo. Se non ti interessa, se sei indifferente verso qualcuno, non ti preoccupi di gridare, di arrabbiarti, di piangere e tante altre cose che abbiamo visto. Se questo ragazzo fosse solo divertente, non le importerebbe di mostrare emozioni. La mia opinione sarà sempre che sia così perché non può gestire la vita nel modo in cui ha scelto e deciso e questo causa tutti questi problemi.
  18. Spain issued a ridiculous rule for masks at the beach which is absolutely comical .. but let’s not go into this .. we will see how it will be developing this story .
  19. She was full on drugs and drinks last night , she had panic attacks .. her BF was with her till this morning , a BF who wanted to leave her and break up which caused a great drama .. the guy can easily have sex as it was proved earlier , this girl will simply be a bonus , no matter for him to force anything ☺️
  20. Travel within EU is possible if certain rules are followed . We will see .. Majorca is already open for tourism for the Germans ☺️
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