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Everything posted by havingablast

  1. The exclamation mark really makes that last word look like -------- Anal.
  2. It was pure entertainment watching them figure out how to get it open, same with the plastic containers of cheese or dip or whatever it is.
  3. I've got a few spare fairies and a couple of leprechauns at the bottom of my garden if you want to borrow em mate.
  4. Hey Ben, a quick question. Why aren't you an IT professional because you are obviously smart enough to be one seeing as you managed to screen cap MY computer.
  5. We are so far into the future here I have already seen what happens in all the apartments 12 hours before the rest of camcaps.
  6. Ben Ben Ben, settle, freeloading, thumbnail squinting dudes with shrivelled dicks will always complain about something they can't have. It is all part of being a troll.
  7. They don't have pillow talk after bating, they grab a phone and check the reviews of their performance on camcaps.
  8. Yes, it is unusable, the cams won't load and when you click on a different cam in the same apartment it jumps to another apartment. I kind of feel that us people that are paying are beta testers for when the get it right.
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