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Everything posted by Sean_G

  1. Kylie and Di left for the beach earlier, Ross then awoke and also left for the beach. Lilith finally awoke, cleaned the place up , took a bath and now sits at table. All caught up.
  2. Thing is if Russ is inclined as I do think to Fuck another then it will eventually happen, on or off camera and Kylie can't do anything to stop that. She just makes herself look weak and insecure to all including those that might want to fuck Russ.
  3. Looks like Kylie laid the law down in the bath to Olivia
  4. Russ immediately goes to reassure kylie
  5. Lucky for her Kristy chaperoning the girls
  6. Matvei sees a drunk girl at a party. Guess what he tries to do.
  7. If leaving, Maybe Luna and boyfriend next here? Would like a Spanish apt. again.
  8. Cold or no cold, Alana same as ever. Waste of space.
  9. If you know songs by the Monkees then you must be well over 60
  10. The thing is if Russ is going to cheat he is going to do it away from the cameras and Kylie's eyes. I personally think she is doomed.
  11. Lots of others shared their men, Marsha, Jane, and Eve both her men. It must be terrifying Living like Kylie, Always worried where and with whom Russ is with.
  12. Right now she is trying to appease him for denying him verity earlier. Easy to see through her scheme.
  13. I think on this stay I've come to dislike Kylie a lot. She appears to want to show off her man to the others while afraid he gets to have some real fun with them. Trying to make them envious of her situation. But Russ also needs to put his foot down and make a stand. IMAO
  14. We've seen this many times, Kylie ain't sharing. I think a bit insecure about herself.
  15. Kylie likes to show her toys but don't want anyone to play with it.
  16. Can't get into this apt. at this time. Anyone else having same trouble?
  17. Rus no where to sleep. Ha Ha Ha. He never took the opportunities when they presented themselves and now even Kylie not concerned about him.
  18. Why is it taking so long to return table and chairs to the terrace? Not all furniture is made to take the weather. Just laziness or don't care I guess.
  19. Maybe if she got off her phone she would have time to close her eyes.
  20. Wish I was not so superficial, but Amira is one ugly woman. Can't tell where her forehead ends and her nose starts.
  21. As a guy that really liked Eva, It disappointing to see her with such a sleezy guy like Matvei.
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