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Everything posted by Sean_G

  1. I think RLC moved away formula that worked fine. The apts. were clearly defined. There were resident apts. and party/ vacation apts. Something for everyone. But now vacations last for more than a year and party apts. have old heads controlling them. Don't really know why I re-upped my membership. Maybe hoping things would improve but just fooling myself. Won't happen again.
  2. It was my opinion and I have the right to express it. As to the quality of new participants, I think that is RLC's vetting problem. But that does not mean I should except having people who don't live up to what I pay for. IMAO
  3. Mr. Fat F**k with no ambition it seems is back at the gaming again.
  4. Yes, but that was quite a while ago. Now it seems no one wants to be around when they are there. Hope RLC opens their eyes and move the grannies and grampas. (N&B and T&T)
  5. Has Tereza been in any way welcoming? She is a bigger problem than Timur. Hope she comes around but not betting on it.
  6. Just in case anyone is still confused, Everyone working on cam at RLC is a sex worker.
  7. T&T sure appear happy to share " their " space with a non Russian couple. Maybe time to go back home. Come on RLC don't F*ck this up.
  8. Time for T&T to go. RLC helping Timur dodge the draft in Russia. Send them home or move to a resident apt.
  9. To be honest they both look like men or trans people who had surgery. We will no doubt uncover the truth in time.
  10. Bullet wounds? looks like a grenade went of in her face. Sorry that is ugly.
  11. Elli only living half her life here on cam. Maybe time for RLC to step in.
  12. I'll say it again, They ain't a couple no more. They in this for the benefits and they probably do care about each other, but she not in Love with him. Don't know how long they will last but for now they still here.
  13. 15.30 Elli leaves the now cuckold Vencel at home playing more video games. There was no intimacy or kiss goodbye.
  14. Video games all day all night. He's living in a fantasy world. As I said earlier this is not a real couple anymore. But they do care about each other and they care about keeping the apt.
  15. Elli sneaks back in at about 5.30am after her late night 'meat up'.
  16. I really don't think they are a couple anymore. She just dressed without the fat boy and went out. Probably together to keep RLC apt.
  17. RLC, how about moving Esenia & Dima to this apt. if no other tenants ready. Anyone other than these two would do.
  18. It seems their farce is only fooling RLC. Already time to move on.
  19. Maybe RLC should move on from these Two. Just seem way too shy. Why she ever sign up for this?
  20. Valerya is another girl that seems a little shy. Hoping that changes soon.
  21. This is simple. She suffers from very painful mensuration. Welcome to the real world. Alberto has done all that he can do and I am sure she apricates it.
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