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Everything posted by golfer06

  1. Georgia Republicans growing anxious over Trump-endorsed candidate's campaign plans - Raw Story - Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism WWW.RAWSTORY.COM The Washington Examiner is reporting that Republicans in Georgia are concerned after Herschel Walker, the former football player endorsed by Donald Trump to run for the U.S. Senate in 2022, has mostly...
  2. Trump praised senders of death threats to Georgia officials as 'my people' as he demanded recount: report - Raw Story - Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism WWW.RAWSTORY.COM According to a report from the Daily Beast, as Donald Trump raged at Georgia election officials to find votes for him following his loss to Joe Biden in the 2020 election, state administrators were being deluged...
  3. the texas law wants everyone to be a rat about their neighbor's business. that was done in east germany while the iron curtain stood. yet you say that we aren't headed for totalitarianism? look again at what YOUR leaders are doing. also the next time you get pregnant i'll consider your feelings. until then let others make their own decisions & myob.
  4. the article said that 94% of people looking for abortions got them. but abortion is only 3 % of what pp does. 97% is for women's health, cancer screenings, std treatment, birth control, etc.
  5. We still don’t know who paid Kavanaugh’s $92,000 country club fee - by Eric Boehlert - PRESS RUN PRESSRUN.MEDIA Listen now | An incurious press
  6. you are right about appearances.. it's not about looking bad but at least roberts realizes that if you are going to hurt the people you should at least try to make it "appear" that you aren't trying to hurt people. but wrong about precedence & the law. precedence says that a stay should have been granted. the law says that roe vs wade should be upheld. it's been that way for 50 years. but the arrogant knuckle dragging texas reps have gone way overboard. hopefully people will wake up.
  7. obama's biggest mistake was to actually think that mcturtle was bargaining in good faith. he wasn't. also obama had at least 3 manchin dems gumming up the works.
  8. if the hearings go on for 4 years & find nothing wrong he probably will.
  9. it's called investigating. in case you missed it (of course you did) it happens all of the time.
  10. if someone were to believe in fairytales why are you surprised? you believe donny traitor aka mr 30,000 + lies & refuse to read or listen to anything else.
  11. abbott is an idiot. among other things he needs to wait in a 9 hour long line to vote without assistance of any kind by anyone. but i'm sure that he'll mail in his ballot.
  12. truth should be taught in schools. even if a few people's feelings get hurt. crt has been used as an excuse to sugarcoat reality.
  13. unfortunately recovering from republican control takes time.
  14. projection failure after projection failure after projection failure after projection failure after.................................................................
  15. he's good at trying. a total failure at convincing anyone other than the cult.
  16. no. the article came from an anti-abortion organization & it's bs that a lot of gullible people want to believe. that did not come from planned parenthood. 97% of their business is to provide women with normal healthcare. Planned Parenthood's Services WWW.FACTCHECK.ORG Congressional Republicans have made versions of the claim that abortions make up 94 percent of Planned Parenthood's "pregnancy services." That misleading figure only counts certain direct services to...
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