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Everything posted by golfer06

  1. maybe because normal people would rather improve this country. something that you obviously care nothing about.
  2. trump & his party have never worked to solve any problems at all. they don't even have bad solutions. they have no solutions. they thrive on complaining & blaming others. if anything actually ever got fixed they would have nothing to complain about so they make sure that nothing gets done at all. at least the dems will try somethings. they may fail but they will then try something else. the other guys need to come up with some ideas that will help or get out of the way.
  3. when there were any questions votes were recounted. no fraud of any substance was found. trump's lawsuits contained no evidence of fraud. no evidence of fraud has miraculously appeared in the past 10 months. the only fraud that has been presented at all is the fraud traitor ex president that needs to be locked up. it's unbelievable that anyone still listens to him at all. there are a lot of stupid people in this country.
  4. you just described donny traitor & the qtrumplican cult. but in your twisted mind they are wonderful of course. your ignorance & hatred knows no bounds.
  5. yet you worship the lyingest sack of shit to ever disgrace the white house. you are a moron.
  6. maybe because if the tenants get some help they can pay YOU. and if they all get kicked out & nobody has any money who is going to rent YOUR apartment? then YOU won't be able to pay YOUR mortgage. then the bank will foreclose on YOU! then YOU will be joining them on the street!
  7. more hate filled insults & nothing constructive at all. what a surprise.
  8. what would you suggest? that they don't warn anyone of the possibility of an attack & tell everyone to stay in afghanistan because it will be so wonderful there now?
  9. you are such a fucking moron. you have never contributed even 1 constructive post to this forum. you are a worthless piece of shit.
  10. hey penisbrain. qtrumplicans have been blocking everything meant to help people for a long time with help from idiots like joe manshin. but don't worry. when families start sleeping in front of your house because they have nowhere else to go you can blame biden, obama, & hillary for everything as you usually do.
  11. without hate & insults you would never speak or post since you have absolutely nothing of interest at all to contribute.
  12. while living in oppositeland you & ridge spend all of your time in a heated battle to see who can lie the most.
  13. so you vote for the person with the worst policies regardless of party but they all just coincidentally happen to be qtrumplicans.
  14. but you believe mr 30,000 + lies backed up by the pillow guy. go back to sleep.
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