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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. Renata still out, when he returns masturbating and everything goes, Sher instead, is to convince his boy to buy him a gold ferrari
  2. thanks to Kitek we know that these girls out of the apartment have a very intense life, sorry for the spine of Sher
  3. just to say something, it seems to me that the return of the girls of Barcelona with the boyfriends is not a big idea, had happened with the girl who was in Linda's apartment and now with Ilona, they became boring as other RLC pairs
  4. I'm happy to see that Miss Piggy has overcome the disease, so it can go back to the old life
  5. I see that Zlata's name is still present, so she has not left yet, Zlata is a pretty girl but she was in the wrong place
  6. for the umpteenth time, there are problems with the translator, I thought Leona was a "normal" girl, instead I found out she is a girl who frequents a lot of naked sites, only this
  7. I'm saying I did not quite understand what kind of girl is Leona, but as always these girls are free to do what they want
  8. even this time I showed how I know these girls, I said that Leona is a normal girl, damn it, she will have 10,000 pages on the internet completely naked, the beautiful thing that all the photos are with girls, maybe she even shows us something to us
  9. miss Piggy is a very nice character, the fact that it is a piglet is secondary
  10. Good evening everyone, it seems to me a very, very quiet evening, as I said shared rooms do not work, have not been able to see Nita, when I connect she's already in bed, I see that Miss Piggy is better and starts to get out
  11. I see Nita's novelty, always my compliments to those who choose the names and return of Lola, nothing good, Leona does not sleep more naked and we know that couples do not work much, this time I hope I'm wrong
  12. I was immediately denied, Leona received the welcome gift, a new iphone
  13. maybe someone missed that Irina was masturbating while on skype, I saw her hand in panties, I thought it was Christmas, topless Zlata, Irina masturbates, Leona came and looking at how she dressed this morning, I'm more and more convinced that is a "normal" girl
  14. I was ready to say of my happiness for Leona, a "normal" girl, with an old phone and not the latest iphone model, very nice and kind, but now I see that the first night in Barcelona is always out, hours, so she already has her whole world out of the apartment, sin
  15. first of all congratulations to those who choose the names of the girls, Leona is really a pretty girl and for now does not seem shy, we hope in a ray of sun in B2
  16. there is still someone who is surprised that the girls know each other before entering the apartments, by now you should have understood
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