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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. I'm not very awake, so I want to say that Ilona's apartment is in Barcelona, however it's really weird that even Renata is Yana's friend, it really looks like all the Ukrainian guys of a certain type are in Barcelona
  2. Zlata makes me a little compassion is always alone and almost never comes out from home, I just can not understand why to accept this situation, the money is good but he is doing a bad life
  3. it is nice to go to bed after a hard night's work, they are also very clean, they are also disinfecting the mouth
  4. if god wants to go back to the old rhythm, 9 o'clock, on seven girls only two to sleep in the apartments
  5. I have always argued that all that happens in these apartments does not happen by chance, but you have to explain to me, what changes if what happened in the bathroom last night happened because the girls were excited or happened to increase the salary, not change anything, it was a beautiful sight to see, and this, given how things have gone in recent times is a great thing
  6. it all happened without that there were drugs or other, seemed real pleasure, the test of truth is now, if each back to doing what he did before means that it was a good show, but if it continues, then it was true affection
  7. do not hate me, but you seem normal what's happening, 8 orgasms one behind the other
  8. you're wrong I'm happy to see something after months of nothing, I just wanted to say what I was thinking, but clearly I'm fine if this thing happens every night
  9. then he's shut up all night, but I would be more convinced if they had done this on the bed and not hidden by the foam
  10. it's definitely real, but remember where these girls are and what they are paid for, I would not want to wipe this good moment, but there are girls who pretend to have orgasms, I'm a great porn movie expert
  11. if Irina stays long in Barcelona, I think we will lose his bill "boyfriends", I have already given my opinion about her
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