I have to agree with ed on this one. When I heard she was speaking English, I went back and listen to both conversations. She repeated the same details about her day to both of them (about how boring it was with the couple she was with. she went out and came back with Neia!) - if it was the same guy twice, she wouldn't have done that. She also told the first one how she liked being with him not because she was in love, or was thinking about sex, but because he was intelligent, and funny, and they always had lots of topics to discuss. When she talked to the second guy, (via skype) she mentioned that she had 21 days left, showed him the free pink baseball cap she got, and discussed meeting him at 1800 tomorrow at his apartment, then going shopping. She mentioned that she didn't have any money with her and she' go to his place, get some money, the go shopping. I don't know if he was going to give her money, or if he was holding it for her - your guess is as good as mine. Then she blew him a bunch of kisses and ended the conversation. Also, she mentioned to the first caller how she only had one piece of pizza, and nothing to drink (while at B3), and how the two couples were just not like her. This seems strange, inasuch as she was the one who knew Ilona first and introduced her to the girls at B2.