This is most likely the most awful apartment on RLC. the one guest stays completely covered up even when changing. She kept a towel draped around her. RLC is suppose to be living normal lives, this is not normal. curly is the best looking one in apartment, butch is god awful ugly and blue hair girl is boring but not as boring as the girl in the guest room. The only person more camera shy is Lev' and zoya's guest. This is only my opinion.
From what I've seen when the blue haired girl gets dressed she hurries so she's not nude long.. this is only my opinion as I haven't seen much of her but she gets dressed quickly.
They were having sex the other night, and he was giving her a pounding, she looked so bored he rolled over she got on her phone. she also kept her shirt (long tshirt) on as soon as he got done she made sure nothing was to be seen.
Saw Kamila masturbating in her room. It was under covers after she went and washed her pussy. she was really going to town too. didn't hear anything tho
This guy is a little strange. Very fidgety and I don't quite understand the whole covering up with a blanket when having sex. looks like it would be very uncomfortable
Saw both Kamilia and Monica get dressed and they both put their underwear on under their towel. Also Monica was showering and she did the famous walking backwards out of shower. I'm guessing Nora tells them how to do things because each are done the same way. Such good looking women to have such little to see.