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Everything posted by Rod001

  1. Nelly Touch Herself 2019-05-22 from HS think it's the same as xanadu posted, here is a avi file 37,5mb (Content No Longer Available)
  2. Eva & Sam Anal & Swallow from 2019-03-29 Video available on topic video ^^
  3. Click here New MAB LINK Hi everybody / Bonjour à tous Her you find a link for the video Eva & Sam Anal & Swallow 2019-03-29 from [Media Removed]
  4. i agree, personally also i don't think is an asshole, it's just a quick rabbit fucker that's i'm sure Thats what i said 16 hours ago : Just 1 thing is verry sure that's made some reaction and contribute to give live and fun here in the Kitty & Smith topics
  5. Kitty After all what i see i thing she is bipolar with borderline personality disorder, she quickly changes mood, she laughs and then cries in the next few minutes with moments of verbal abuse for futile reasons, or maybe it is because of the behavior from Smith, but I'm not a doctor and not speak their language for understand what she said (anyone knows what language they speak) that's just what I'm saying. To be continued ....
  6. Kitty and Smith : I'm sure he don't Enjoy That make some live in the topic lol
  7. Kitty and Smith : Smith do not enjoy that sure ^^ 2019-05-21
  8. Kitty and Smith : Enjoy your meal ... Not sure 2019-05-21
  9. LOL BBs, yes i can imagine ( Leora sometime called Paul Pasha) i imagine Paul with 2 best of sex like Masha and Dasha, already Paul it's very fast with Leora, what a disaster it would be, and now that make me more laugh mouarf, run Paul run ah ah ah and you.... can you imagine
  10. Bonjour gigou, Un petit message amical, pourrais tu stp, arrêter de poster des messages dans le topic videos (ici tu download les vidéos et tu peux mettre un commentaire sur ce que tu as vu en rapport avec la video que tu commentes) ce n'est pas l'endroit pour ça et en plus tu répètes tjs les mêmes choses cela fait plus spam qu'autre chose , pour poster ce genre de commentaires tu dois aller dans le topic chat(clic sur l'image ci dessous ⬇️, le topic se trouve sur la même page que le topic vidéos de Leora c'est le 7e plus bas et toujours utiliser le dernier actuellement le 2019#16. Il y a beaucoup de mots dans la langue française, participe a la vie du chat en créant des discusions et pas toujours parler de son corps, vas voir dans le topic pour t'inspirer de ce que tu peux poster ^^. Absteint toi aussi de parler de ce que tu aimerais qu'elle face, ici ce n'"est pas un site pour ça (il des sites spécialisés genre Chaturbate ou il y a des camsgirl et tu dois payer pour qu'elle face ce que tu voudrais en général en tokens ), tu es sur site de voyeurs donc tu parles de ce que tu vois pas de ce que tu aimerais qu'elle fasse. Bonne soirée
  11. When love become true Dear Dasha, i remember you are not verry happy when you lived with Demid (same guy like Paul a bad lover, no love just sexual maintenance) on the RLC appartment where actualy live " Eva & Sam". So few mounths after you comeback on the RLC project to live with your friend Masha at "Masha & Sasha". And then slowly day after day you come to be more close of them. And what's happened... you discover love, tenderness, passion and real best sex, to become the first 3some real appartment on RLC "Masha & Sasha and Dasha". The little chrysalis is turned to a lovely butterfly, after the discover you become a love predator with more expertise. And us the voyeurs we see the evolution day after day, month after month for finaly see the unlikely scénario, you become in love for real of Sasha. We can see the real love in yours eyes and the sensual way you look and touch Sasha. You have dethroned the queen Masha (for me the Best girl in RLC for the Blow job). The proof : when the eyes of Sasha (a good sex performer, he fucking hard the 2 and breaking down them in the same 3some ) turn of http:// And now what's happened the appartment have changing name to "Dasha & Sasha and Masha", Masha live in the Sleepingroom and Dasha & Sasha in the livingroom, that explain also why they fuck more in the LR, they go in the SR only when Masha is out. This is for me the real interresting first current and ongoing situation with a story on the RLC appartments. I'm surprised they are no more sharing right here in this topic, because all the 3 are good sex performers and stay true in the action. To be continued
  12. LOl, i agree with you (exists also a video where Leora using the white dildo in ass and fingering is lovely kittty and if i remember me good it's in the Bathroom, but i don't remember when lol )
  13. Hi Lalaland , First : Masha is the girl from the original topic appartment "Masha & Sasha" on RLC, when Dasha quits Demit ( Dasha & Demid (10/03/14 - 07/12/17 in the archived appartment) she is friend with Masha and coming to the appart, that become a threesome appart ^^ with name Masha & Sasha and Dasha, but actually Sasha is in love with Dasha and the appart Become "Dasha & Sasha and Masha you can find it ont the actual topic, i hope it's clear lol Second : for the date of the video from "Leora painting", the correct date is beginning of 2017, when i have made this video ( the CHUUUT label)it's at i have forget to change the year date on the video when i edited them , i have explain that on a premium topic i posted 2 years ago : Hi everybody / Bonjour a tous Longtime I have posted something, i'm back ^^ / Longtemps que j'ai posté quelque chose, je suis de retour ^^ Only for fans no nude / Seulement pour les fans sans nu Leora is for me the most beautiful representation of the modern woman, it is the only woman with multiple facets present on the project RLC Leora est pour moi la plus belle représentation de la femme moderne, c'est la seule femme aux multiples facettes présente sur le projet RLC Here is another / en voici une autre : The painting / La peinture La chanson est de Demis Roussos "Le peintre des étoiles" / The song is by Demis Roussos "The painter of the stars" The video is from this year it's my first in 2017 and i have forget to change the year in my Tag lol I made this video at the beginning of the year / J'ai fait cette video au début de l'année Back on 2019, Thats all folk LALALAND Dasha & Demid /03/14 - 07/12/17)
  14. Like Terminator i'm Back, i have see here on the Leora topic, somebody said " i want to see what Leora painting " here is a video i have posted 2 years ago Leora "The Artist" (Video Content No Longer Available) Link available only 3 days I have posted this one on the wrong topic i thing lol. i'm back on CC after +/- 2 years, (IRL most complicated lol), Leora is my favorite on RLC, since the beginning +/_ 6 years (Bhirtday RLC/Leora is at the end of june^^).  For sure when she join the RLC project, she become quickly the best attractive and profitable recruit. She is the best classy girl with a great bonus (a wonderful smile), she is beautifull, she take care of her body, she is intelligent, she is painting, she make pretty dolls etc ..... Nobody on the RLC girls since the beginning have so many clothes and underwear like Leora (The wardrobe in the sleeping room is full and also that of the guests room lol). The only thing she don't have is a good lover, for sexual activities Paul is really verry verry bad, maybe he give her all the matérial attention but the level of love and tenderness is a big zero. For the sexual activities she make great Blow job (The best for the Blow job on RLC is Masha ) and the best solo ( whe know it's for the show and the business, but she take care to always have to be facing a camera and she give a maximum shows on the freecams for a maximum audience and in fact catch a maximum of voyeurs and attract them to the premium ya ya business is business. She have discover the anal & dp on RLC solo and one thing is sure she love that and now she has become addicted to fix Cams to share with us his solitary pleasure (you can see the pleasure in is eyes when she fix the cams). Bla bla bla ........ I don't know for you, but for me it's the goddess of RLC. I have a dream ............ and you
  15. I'm back on CC after +/- 2 years, (IRL most complicated lol), Leora is my favorite on RLC, since the beginning +/_ 6 years (Bhirtday RLC/Leora is at the end of june^^). For sure when she join the RLC project, she become quickly the best attractive and profitable recruit. She is the best classy girl with a great bonus (a wonderful smile), she is beautifull, she take care of her body, she is intelligent, she is painting, she make pretty dolls etc ..... Nobody on the RLC girls since the beginning have so many clothes and underwear like Leora (The wardrobe in the sleeping room is full and also that of the guests room lol). The only thing she don't have is a good lover, for sexual activities Paul is really verry verry bad, maybe he give her all the matérial attention but the level of love and tenderness is a big zero. For the sexual activities she make great Blow job (The best for the Blow job on RLC is Masha ) and the best solo ( whe know it's for the show and the business, but she take care to always have to be facing a camera and she give a maximum shows on the freecams for a maximum audience and in fact catch a maximum of voyeurs and attract them to the premium ya ya business is business. She have discover the anal & dp on RLC solo and one thing is sure she love that and now she has become addicted to fix Cams to share with us his solitary pleasure (you can see the pleasure in is eyes when she fix the cams). Bla bla bla ........ I don't know for you, but for me it's the goddess of RLC. I have a dream ............ and you
  16. Interesting, it puts a mood in the CC topics, 5 pages in 2 Hours. Everybody come with is explanation and imagine some ending and give some criticism, maybe whe have a new form of "Cluedo", one thing is certain guys you make some life here. I follow Maya since more of 3 years she is a very interesting personality and i hope she stay on the project and except that it's is life and she deserves to be happy ^^
  17. Video Cropped, Sound added Carla BJ but not swallow Carla_Bj_853_x_480.mp4
  18. @moos54 Merci pour la rectification j'ai fait la correction, une erreur de nom ne montre rien lol, mais c'est vrai que certaines des videos que je poste viennent du Replay de RLC à la base via un site porn, pas d'un compte d'autre personnes, je les retravaillent pour en faire une meilleure version et par la même occasion j'en fait profité la communauté ^^. Dans tous les cas les images d'origine n'appartiennent qu'au tenant des droits c'est à dire personnes d'entre nous lol et ce à quoi tu fais allusion, c'est le montage qui en est fait dont je parlais. La video en question est une vidéo que j'ai posté ici et qui avait été re-postée ici via MAB avec mon tag, simplement copiée et rediffusée. Bonne journée ^^
  19. Video Cropped, Cleaned & Sound Upgraded Angelina Bates SR 2017-05 (Purged)
  20. Video Cropped, Cleaned Vicka Nice Pussy SR 2016-05-31 (Purged)
  21. Small Set Pics 10/10 Valentina Shower & Shave 2017 (Purged)
  22. Video Cropped, Cleaned Valentina Shower & Shave Clean Version 2017 (Purged)
  23. Video Cropped, Little Zoom Nelly Make-up Naked 2017-06-03 853 x 480 (Attachment Purged)
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