As someone who watch it happen live with you I tend to agree. The hundred notes he wrote and threw all over the floor and how he kept the door shut says a lot about his mental state
Did you see it? No, you didn't so you don't know anything...
Again more people who didn't actually watch the event seem to have opinions on what happened. Dumb...
I agree with you. They need to do an intervention before it gets any worse. Tom is livid and had the right to be but Vanessa keeps running her mouth and might get smacked or worse for being a dumb bitch...
The guy Vanessa cheated with used the towel to wipe her pussy juice off his cock then when Tom got home he used the same towel to wipe his face and mouth after brushing teeth.
Then after Tom punches a hole through the wall Vanessa tries to blame him for getting mad and then gets new towels out like that's going to fix the problem.
This message wasn't left for you... as they say the devil's in the details...
Interestingly the last time Tom and Van had sex on the 4th Van did even swallow for Tom. She held in her mouth until she could spit it out in the sink, but she swallowed as much as she could for the guy on the 6th... details details...
I bet you didn't even know they spoke Czech until I said it... There are many possible scenarios why she came back... It doesn't mean she didn't pack and take her toothbrush because she did... I captured it.
They had multiple guys stay there but this was the guy that Vanessa would flag her pussy to whenever Tom wasn't around. I'm pretty sure it's the same guy but this is completely off of memory because I never bothered to capture him. Other people remember him too both on CC and RLCF.
Tom obviously hasn't seen what Van did because seems just a little pissed but if he did he'd be completely fucking livid lol! Van brought the guy who slept on their couch for at least a month over to their place, she got as sexy as her stubby shape will let her and started making out in their living room. He finger banged her on his couch then she got on her hands and knees and he got behind her and started banging away he pulled Van's hair hard and her face toward the camera and she loved every moment of it. He was so turned on that by this he couldn't stop himself from cumming. He pulled out started jacking off and cumming all over the couch (the same exact spot Tom put his head later) Van got underneath his cock to catch it cumming all over her legs then still cumming she caught it in her mouth then started sucking his cock as he came in her mouth and swallowed his cum and totally showed no thoughts about Tom his feeling and his embarrassment. See this alone should set him off but this is only the beginning. At the end and Vanessa broken pusy was bleeding everywhere they went to the bathroom to clean up and the guy used a towel to wipe Vanessa's dirty pussy juice of his cock with and when Tom brushed his teeth later that night he used that same exact towel in the same exact place to wipe his mouth out essentially involuntarily cuckolding him! He didn't ask for that!
Who need enemies when you have that laying in your bed?!
Vanessa is a dirty hoe and Tom should kick her out and take all her stuff and throw it out on the curb... JMO.
They are, but I would like to know what was said during argument. At one point he had her phone a was reading something out loud when she tried to snatch it out of his hand. Also they were yelling at each other over the phone before he got home. She looks like she doesn't care as if its all going according to her plan.
So Vanessa took enough clothes for a fews days and her tooth brush so we won't be seeing her again for a while. I hope Tom catches up with his "friend" in the meantime and beats his ass. If you speak Czech and are willing to translate in trade for Old and New rare vids let me know.