Woah! I missed that! Someone better warn his girlfriend that if Masha likes him no to leave them alone together. She might try to suck him off while no one is looking lol!
I agree, they are truly in love. He's actually one of the best lovers out of the men on RLC. I wish he would get in better shape for his sake but other than that, they are one of the best couple on RLC.
I said Jack about Maya. My comment pertains to Steph only. I careless about the troll doll but the few weak men on RLC (Steph Sasha and Paul) for different reason's confound me.
Tom was a man and he didn't play that shit - he told Vanessa exactly what he thought of her before almost committing a murder suicide...
I do my friend. Her first bate after doing a photo shoot with Belle and when she cheated on her American BF with one of the CokeBoys. I'll send them over to ya when I pull them off my other drive later tonight.
I don't know how you can sleep in bed with a girl you used to have a relationship with who just banged another guy in that same bed. What ever happened to principles...
As Gorgeous as she is the best we've seen from her is when her BF faced F*&^D in front of the camera. I wold love to see more of her but if she's not willing she should go.
She used to post here. Every once in while she'll post something mostly because she doesn't like what someone said. once I caught her ire with one of my comments.