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Posts posted by broxman

  1. Awesome! I love this apartment. You never know what you are going to get when a guest comes over. Guys come over and Otto has went to bed, and they have fucked Lola. Guys have come over and fucked them both. Guys have come over and they have both fucked Lola.Couples have come and they have swapped. Something for everyone! 

    Still hoping for another bisexual couple to join them though.

    Keep it up Otto & Lola 😍

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  2. 4 hours ago, sr71gn said:

    If they want to do drugs fine-but dont do it in a vh apartment if you are going to be behind doors three quarters of the night--Do drugs at a non vh apartment--I think its very disrespectful to all of us who pay to see them

    I agree, hiding from cams is super annoying. I still wouldn't send a ticket for that. I would just write that apartment off and never visit again. Hit them in the viewing figures. The only time I have sent a ticket in regards to tenants is when violence was involved. 

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    dana lied to guest that the cams aren't recording.. seems that is totally normally to happen at vh.. but she did it in english not in russian like the other houses do

    You'd need to be a fool to fall for that one. "We have a house full of cameras, but they don't record" 😁

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