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thin white

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Everything posted by thin white

  1. je suis très étonné après que Diana nous ai chanté une version lente de Joe Dassin, qu'elle n'est aucun accent en chantant en français... A-t-elle des parents français (père ? mère ?) trad . : I am very surprised after Diana was singing us a slower version of Joe Dassin, it is no accent singing in French ... A Does French parents (father? mother?)
  2. hhuuummmmm!!! i know it's delicate to demand you to give me the video of this 1st party.... Maybe in MP ? If all night will be like this i'll may pay for RLC Thanks for the pics kastroni... ;)
  3. you're probably right, Tay ! I agree that Leora think about having a baby... and having a dog before is probably to see paul's reactions... But Paul is not mature enough and is mostly too selfish to have a baby... read you soon, TAY...
  4. Hi Tay ! I hope that it's not you in this video ? Why ? 'Cause you risk being harassed by all RLC's members... If it's not, why did you upload this video ? bye and have a nice day... tommy
  5. why are you sorry ? Snoop... ?
  6. I do not agree with you ... bulgachica I want to believe that there is the camera ... but even in their sex is always the same: . she sucks . he licks . she rides . he tries to take it from behind (which does not last long) and he ejaculates rather quickly because he is too excited ... it's heartbreaking and it's always the same ... about their mutual affection, I will, but give Paul the opportunity to "kiss" and another jump at the chance ... and similarly for Leora, give quelq'un that does more attentio to her and she falls madly in love (unless it is completely silly) ... bye
  7. sorry, but i'll speak in french, 'cause it's very difficult to translate my feelings in english... So... j'avoue avoir été très excité par Leora au début où j'ai pu l'a voir sur RLC... une jeune fille avec un corps presque parfait : de jolies petits seins (ni trop gros, ni trop petit) bien fermes... et un jolie petit fessier : bien rond et bien ferme... Cependant, depuis plusieurs semaines (voire plusieurs mois) où j'a pu entre-apercevoir leur vie quotidienne (via le direct ou les vidéos publiées gracieusement par les internautes), on peut malheureusement constaté : . la bêtise, la bauferie et la goujaterie de Paul (qui mange la bouche ouverte, qui ne pense qu'à "se taper" Leora, et qui plus est ne pense qu'à son propre plaisir) . quant à Leora qui se prend pour un top model, qui est mignone mais sans plus, minaude à tout bout de champs, et est surtout une chieuse (comme beaucoup de filles d'ailleurs) Mais le pire du pire, c'est que ces deux idiots ont des rapports sexuels soit dans la chambre, soit sur le canapé (et encore, j'ai l'impression que cela n'est pas arrivé depuis longtemps)... et moi-même qui ne suis pas un partenaire sexuel des plus parfait (+ de 14 ans que je n'ai pas touché, ne serais-ce que la peau du sexe opposé), j'aurai imaginé que l'on puisse les voir faire l'amour : . dans la cuisine . dans la salle de bain . devant l'armoire où se coiffe toutes les 5 minutes Leora . sur le bureau où se trouve leur ordinateur... Mais non. Inlassablement, c'est soit dans la chambre, soit sur le canapé.... Chouette !!!! J'espère pour eux qu'ils fassent l'amour en dehors de leur appartement..... allez !!! a+
  8. ok... tx squirrel
  9. sorry, but i do not understand what you said, StnCld316. Did Leora go out rlc ?
  10. they are drunk, i think.... :D
  11. I do not understand Leora I do not understand anything...
  12. Oops ! there is an error... I know Paul is a fat pig and is mostly very representative of the male sex. But Leora is not less culpable ... It's still a little shitty who spends his time looking at herself in the mirror.
  13. I know Paul is a fat pig and is mostly very representative of the male sex. Leora estest but not least culpable ... It's still a little shitty who spends his time looking at herself in the mirror.
  14. THIS IS THE END... Or I do not understand anything
  15. Can not download... :(
  16. I am disappointed, no one has put the video online on CC (November 03, 2013, 11:17:11 AM) it seems that Leora was taken from behind... I would have loved to see it... :( maybe another day ! and thanx for all of you who share some videos...
  17. THX but i'm intersting in the middle.. :-X
  18. oh please... share your video... i cannot see it... my connection was very bad....
  19. i was working... is someone have recorded their frolics... ? thanks
  20. the more i hear leora crying, the more i'm happy to be single... I do not like Paul, who is a real macho, but Leora is a real "pain in the neck". i can't understand why she's crying and bitching all the time...
  21. I don't want to be pessimistic. But when I come back from work: . In the week they sleep, or make love in 2 minutes and a half. . or in the weekend, Leora spent her time crying Super !!! I think I did well for not having yet a subscriber ... :( although I really like Leora as I have said previously ...
  22. I am very worried. I do not think it's a coincidence that the Leora and Paul apartment is unavailable... :-[
  23. Strange !!! I can't connect on Leora and paul appartement since 10 minutes... is that paul is gone !!! ?
  24. In fact, there is so much to say about Paul. Indeed, he is the opposite of what I am ( unpretentious ) . he always scratching his nose, he never does housework, it never gets to eat, he rarely occupies Leora (kiss, message, ...) unless he has personal intentions ( make love ! ) ... And in this area (fuck Leora ) , he often thinks to himself ... he often behaves like a fat pig ... Fortunately Leora seems easy to have fun ... But, maybe she simulates as many girls ? ... But, if I were in his place : . I get up at the same time Leora to prepare his breakfast while she dresses. . I would prepare her a nice meal when she returns from work. . I would make her a message back, buttocks and legs without sexual intentions ... . I would take advantage of being home to do some cleaning ... Like that, when Leora returns from work , the apartment is clean and nice . I leave the head of Leora on my chest and fell asleep lovingly ... But I 'm not with Leora ( luckily for her ) ... And I am perhaps a little pretentious ! ?
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