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Everything posted by Ste

  1. Seems to me you might be the biggest one around here
  2. Thank You for your assessment well done you
  3. Thank You I can assure you they would have the biggest judging by there mentality
  4. And away they go the luckiest Guy in Rlc and the Stunning Leora by his side leaving the light on for Eva might be a late return Have a Great Sunday Evening
  5. You might have misunderstood with your ( Thanks Emoji ) it was you and your buddy I was referring to but you might like been called a monkey
  6. Think your the one that lives in a fantasy world
  7. Insignificant & Meaningless and the same script you use again & again
  8. GOT YA knew it wouldn't be long before you start talking to yourself
  9. Your only a RLC customer there motto is take it or leave it
  10. Have to say I'm having difficulty understanding your mentality PM the Admin he might help he doesn't pay and complains for free
  11. Am I'm right in saying you think he's a pussy
  12. Ah are you two finished it's like throwing nuts to the monkey's and sitting back for the show
  13. Your the one complaining I didn't write I was watching but I will be maybe tomorrow
  14. If you were standing beside Paul in a bar would you be the tough guy or a little pussy
  15. Many folks may enjoy watching them with the lights off it's not the only apartment that does this Why were you watching ????
  16. Many folks may enjoy watching them with the lights off it's not the only apartment that does this Why were you watching ????
  17. You are certainly beyond doubt wasting my time Don't get your chauvinist manner as for your quote They are scared to post anything because they know very well that we will destroy their words. The Tide is Turning
  18. The pot calling the kettle black
  19. What a hideous comment on the use of a bottle of wine and your total disrespect towards women especially Leora which is portrayed in the majority of your comments A bottle of wine in my book is a drink had with a nice meal
  20. Describes your Low Level of Intelligence
  21. ( They are scared to post anything ) ( ( we will destroy their words ) ( I actually want this topic to fade away ) ( Where would the silent Leora lovers go? ) ( Whatever emoji that I receive I will take it, cherish it and react with glee ) Describes your Low Level of Maturity
  22. This persona of been head of the Miserable Riff Raff Gang Personally I think he's a good guy sadly his attitude towards me has changed but I'm not joining the M.R.R.G to be liked
  23. Nite Nite The days when it was a Funny Forum are now a distant memory Oh Well
  24. Who pissed on your cornflakes
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