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Posts posted by bean1111

  1. 57 minutes ago, bean1111 said:

    I sometimes don't think Dasha realizes what she has with Sasha. She was doing her flirting thing where she runs her hand thru the guys hair with the gay guy the other night. I don't think he's as gay as he wants other to believe.

    This is the same guy who said Dasha looked like a child when se took off her top. He's lucky I wasn't there he would have regretted saying that. I think Dasha boobs are very sexy, I take hers over  Masha any day. I just wish she would show them off more.



  2. 10 hours ago, dontgetnone said:

    Taxes is just a small part of it Sierra.  Everybody is sue happy these days.  If it's known that you have money you can bet your ass there will be a line of people trying to take it away from you.  I have nothing to take.  It's just smart business.  There are other advantages to the corporation owning everything that I won't go into but law suits is the biggie. 

    Why didn't you become a LLC? No double Tax and your personal assets are secure like a Corp with a whole lot less red tape. You get all the benefits of a corporation with a whole lot less government regulations.   

    I have always recommended this to my clients.

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  3. 32 minutes ago, AntEater said:

    Maybe it is the tattoos? I don't see anything wrong except for that scary "satan is my daddy" one she wears.

    I think she has become very sexy since her and Sasha became a couple. She has improved Sasha outfits as well. He use to look like a nerd who didn't own a mirror.

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