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Everything posted by West_California

  1. i think i'm losing my mind.... i've been on B2 thread for 4-5 hours....i thought it was really slow... i was watching RLC tho...
  2. kinda funny-peculiar that he brought it up... as mod maybe he gets bored..seen it all before.... maybe he was checking for peeling paint......
  3. someone said "country girl" 5 hours ago...we really don't know... but it spreads to all trying to catch up...i'll wait 'n see... "i ain't necessarily so" poor old goliath he lay down and dieth.... from Porgy & Bess 1959
  4. Dude should know the residents read our comments and we do not speak ill of them. they will turn their backs on us if we abuse them.
  5. is Irma planning Tonights Extravaganza ? body painting as Nascar Drivers. playing Never Ever Did I Ever. (in english) Sexy outfits baking Body Parts Cookies. eating jelly doughnuts off of each others backs or butts or bellies. dressing up as sexy Cowgirls.
  6. you have to bash Gina on her first day at home ? CuteGuy stupid guy. want to see an ugly word ? ugly
  7. yes he deserves much credit for his participation...honestly.....we should all give Alex a hand...but then he might get an erection.. thank you Alex, Ladies, Twins & Stella. all spent hours entertaining us. Irma, Master of Ceremonies, Always puts together a good time..Thank you Irma...
  8. welllll the soapy finger massaging his prostate gland can force an erection and ejaculation. Doctors do it for some reason. but you need a long finger..stroking the soapy penis at the same time will double his pleasure... most "manly" men won't allow it tho
  9. i have some other info i wanted to share, i guess this might be a good time to slip it in... so to speak.. BTW Butterfly Wings can be trimmed/shortened in an elective surgical procedure and is covered by most(?) medical insurance (in USA). In the other hand, men can have their low hung scrotum shortened too BUT the owner must "cough" up the cash.
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