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Everything posted by West_California

  1. i'll take back my BS, i didn't see it at all, 'cept the hair rinse. i'm far sighted, can't get closer... but i have seen "the scoot" in person... we need some excitement..
  2. also manufactured hazards are all around us, waiting to show themselves to the unlucky discoverer.... did you ever buy a car made on monday or friday ?
  3. 220 europower is 2x dangerous.. would anyone trust a cheapo adapter ?.....not me... hope it wasn't made on friday or monday...yikes !!
  4. they are "sun godesses" they moved the bench to the sun area, there are blinds on this side..that is all.. BTW i see now why jessicas cake was out there a few weeks ago, to warm it up !
  5. soooo, divorce court, wife on the stand says "he likes me to hum when i kiss him down below" judge "can you hum a few bars ?"
  6. lets play guess the expression ! a this is interesting, i'm learning something b i'm bored to death c i hope i never have to do thaattt d if it was 17 shades lighter i might try it... e i wanna pizza
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