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Everything posted by West_California

  1. the topic is "general-chat-comments-quotes-thanks-for-pictures-videos" fire 2... i think the fakery is on this side of the lens...
  2. oops, bad word. I had no particular nation state in mind when I wrote this. I meant lazy, messy, sloppy. the word origin dates back to 1400-1450. slovenia went self-determination in 1918, the word predates the state. but the land area has been inhabited since prehistoric time predating the word. so, still a bad word, sorry. I meant lazy, messy, sloppy.
  3. me too. i use melatonin soft chews (1) at bedtime. and i try to concentrate on 1 relaxing subject, fighting off/ignoring all others, over and over when necessary, fighting off/ignoring all others, zzzzzz, zzzzzzzz
  4. the suspence is killing me ! Jessicac in panties, sitting next to Nora on the couch. will Nora explode ? stay tuned...
  5. as if i could !. i don't know where its coming from, i get it too.... i don't know how to "check your browser"....lol
  6. im watching A&E too. the guy with slicked back hair seems seedy to me. he's interested in the server closet.... snooping all over the place...
  7. maybe RLC should interview to weed out the depressed, introverted, & reclusive. or maybe the project needs them to be study subjects too. we're all being studied !
  8. i have no real knowledge of those kinds of numbers. but.. for the tenants, i would believe RLC pays their rent & utilities, thats all. period. in exchange the tenants agree to put up with the cameras that may not be disturbed, blocked or disabled. All parties probably also agree that tenants can be booted at any time for any reason that RLC sees fit. (property damage, excessive noise, slovenliness, etc..) I don't really know, but that would be a good deal for me.
  9. Thanks Michelle, you've got nice skin. i'll bet you're covered with it. wishing i was 6 months younger, YUM !
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