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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. According to translated conversations she is supposedly involved in some way with some other guy there. She apparently has more than one friend there as well. There have been multiple occasions where she's been away from that apartment on overnight ventures. She spends more time away from that apartment this year, than she used to last year. Quite a bit more over the last 4 to 5 months. It is likely that much of the time she spends on her phone is because of that, that is other than what she apparently still does with her previous roommate and companion and other friends back there as well. That hardly seems to be phsychologically trapped in that apartment. Her so called bating, as it is so often referred to, has seemed not much different than it ever was in the sense that there have been stretches when not much occurs, and then may be multiple occasions in periods as short as weeks.
  2. Damn it man. Can you not read or do you perhaps have a comprehension problem ? Did I say anything about them not caring about what gets mentioned here ? You don't have to bother to answer, because the answer is NO ! And you and jimbo or anyone else haven't been the only ones to say something at times when something mentioned was way out of line. So I hate it if it may disappoint you that you're not in some exclusive club of crusaders. Like I said, I call balls and strikes as I see them. What you choose to believe is up to you.
  3. Like I just mentioned, in most everyone's realities other than yours, those girls could care less about whatever you have to say here and certainly could care less about anyone mentioning noticing their projections of false pretenses or intentions, that is other than perhaps to have gotten noticed and realized by someone. That by no means has been no where close as bad as some things that have been mentioned previously by others that may have actually been hurtful to them if noticed. So continue to live in your reality of disillusion and I'll continue to call balls and strikes as I see them.
  4. Furthermore, those girls could care less about what you have to say here. It's obvious you're fond of blowing smoke, only it doesn't always work with everyone.
  5. Well, that is after all a big part of your problem isn't it.
  6. You don't call anyone out. You belittle, demean, and insult, and the reason you do it is because of your insecurities and delusions.
  7. He likely can't even get it up. That's probably a big part of his phsychosis. That is if he even has one.
  8. As I mentioned earlier, if mentioning a criticism of noticing whenever there are times of projections of false pretenses occurring there is considered by you as attacking anyone, including them, I hate it that it seems to hurt your feelings so much and doesn't fit into your phsychotic narrative, but you might as well get used to it. I give compliments to anyone except you, when they are deserved, including to them. You can believe and try to insinuate whatever else you may want.
  9. That's perhaps a good thing on your part. Perhaps one of the better remarks you've made here tonight.
  10. Well, I got news for you, if you think that's attacking anyone, you may as well get used to it. I call balls and strikes. When I notice something someone deserves a compliment for, I usually give it, and when I notice something I feel may deserve criticism, I usually do as well.
  11. Appears you are the only one sarcastically mentioning it's OK for anyone to attack any girls. Just as you try to make it sound that your sarcastic snide assed insulting smart assed responses to others comments all the time are merely calling someone out. I suppose mentioning when it's noticed the times of projections of false intentions is actually attacking someone. Your as ignorant as they come.
  12. I respect what you say slip, even though I may not always agree with some of it. It is my opinion that most of what you say makes sense even though I may not always agree with some of it. But even though I may not always agree with some of what you may believe or say, I've never attempted to disparage or wisecrack on, or certainly insult any of your beliefs or opinions to my knowledge. Instead, I believe we have debated some differences of opinions at times, but that's all it was, that is unless of course you may have ever felt otherwise.
  13. Give it to me then. You can damn sure pm it. Don't be a bigshot on the net but a coward in person. I'm waiting for that address. We will see how much of a problem you have if you're not a coward to pm me your legitimate address there bigshot.
  14. You making false claims and outright lying about someone being a hypocrite and mentioning someone's mother in the fray the way you did. You're very fortunate to be able to hide behind the veil of the net my friend, because you can believe it or not, had you been within sight and said such things, you would have already been eating those words enough to regret it. I gaurantee you that.
  15. No...he is in obvious need of phsychological assistance but doesn't get any so he vents his misguided and uncalled for discretions here. His mentallity is obviously that similar to a young teenager or less.
  16. My point is this 🖕. Is that an acceptable point for you...if not...that's just too bad.
  17. Never have tried to be. Not gonna stand idley by either and get insulted by you who gets your jollies off by doing so to folks here or anyone else and not respond back. That is, unless I'm not around when it occurs and don't notice it. Don't act so sanctimonious either. Your the one who once again started the crap with your fake remarks. You obviously always feel a need to be a sarcastic wisecracking smartass. There are such professionals known as phsychological therapists that may be of assistance to you if you need help.
  18. Awww, is someone whining again now and needs his mommie. Too bad him wittle feelings got hurt. 😥
  19. Report a measly butt hurt whiner like you, perhaps not. But perhaps a weasel may have been a more suitable site avatar for you.
  20. No, you're the one that gets butt hurt. It's why you feel a need to sarcastically wisecrack on others comments all the time simply because they don't fall in line with yours.
  21. We all know who the prick is here. Don't attempt to pin your title on me.
  22. It is ashame that someone obviously always feels some need to be some sarcastic prick here about others comments simply because they may not fall in line with theirs. It definitely shows their mentallity level.
  23. Perhaps this one may be more suitable to you in animation form due to your level of mentallity :
  24. I believe most of your b.s. here is fake but I don't believe this may be fake when it comes to who you portray here :
  25. Well, I don't consider them as sex workers or that rlc is a porn site, because if that were actually the case, there would almost certainly be alot more of it occurring than there is, at least as far as the residence there at L & M's and two of the permanent couple's residence's are concerned. As far as deceptions of projections of false pretense performances are concerned there at the L & M residence, I have certainly noticed it for awhile now, as well as have others. I've also said the only residences that are currently with rlc that seldomly ever do anything for an underlying reason of more money, is two of the permanent couple's residences. That being the L & T and M & A residences. I'm not sure about the E & P residence since they are new.
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