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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Yes mc56 she obviously would or at the very least a good enough hint of such. But then just a little bit ago, she lays there rubbing all over herself in areas like she's all of a sudden horny as hell when after all that had occurred earlier, there was ample opportunity of doing something about it, or should I rather say having something done about that. All the while, her friend lays there next to her now occupied on her phone the whole time as well. I suppose it would be fair to say she's learned well in her progression I guess.
  2. Just noticed that apparently they (or at least one of the two) decided they hadn't done enough projections of false intentions earlier, and so decided on doing some more for a shorter while. No one, including women who are considered close friends, do such things for no particular reasons, and certainly not just because they are close friends, unless there is a certain closeness of that type seldomly ever projected from those two. There are several reasons why they do them, of which they both are fully aware of and know. They are intelligent women who happen to be quite shrewd and clever in their intelligence as well which has a good bit to do with it all.
  3. No your right mc56, it doesn't always have to be, and it seldomly ever is or has been when it's concerned the both of them either. To your point as far as the other, those bodies have gotten shown and get shown plenty. A little something different to break up the monotony at times would be nice, and projections of false intentions aren't that nice from anyone, including them.
  4. Yeah, so I think I'll do a little bitching now. Thanks girls...and more so to one in particular who is the orchestrator of you two...for more of your deceptive false pretensed fallacy performances ! We really do appreciate it !
  5. I know that and I'm usually not as concerned about some other's views or opinions here regardless of whether they are the same as mine or not. Some may simply have different views and opinions and some may lack common sense. Regardless of which it may be, it is the views and opinions of others, so most times matters not to me.
  6. Well...one yaking on a phone for most of the time they've been in what probably appears as an enticing view from any thumbs as a scissoring position when all they are only doing is rubbing the same of one another's feet...could be considered some sort of indication on how serious they actually were or perhaps are.
  7. At their rate...it may happen around this time next year or later...if it actually ever does at all.
  8. You apparently do slip as has been obvious. To which there is nothing wrong with. It's your view, and your opinion. Mine just happens to be that the majority of it, occurs for cam numbers equated to more money for them. If it wasn't, things wouldn't get taken that far in those certain ways, only to stop all of a sudden, and start doing something else as often as it has.
  9. I didn't. Lot's of rubbing but obviously nothing intimately sincere. Well, it seemed one may have been ready to go further at one point when she was informed otherwise. I'm sure you'll realize who that was as has been the case on multiple occasions.
  10. I know. Was just making a suggestion that may have aleviated some of the disappointment it has seemed that you may have perhaps experienced at times when anything similar doesn't occur after all. I also know what you mean as far as anything occurring in real time is concerned as well. Obviously you know what's best for yourself.
  11. Ole RR convinced them into doing it to reunite the German people.
  12. A square with rounded corners and a recessed center, or a Velamint slip ?
  13. Was there anything that may have occurred there of actual significant interest that may have been missed ? From what I noticed...that answer is no. Was simply making a comment because it seemed nothing else was at the time as it has seemed to usually be the case lately.
  14. Basically, it relates to what the last line of your comment mentioned HF. I find very little interest in any occasion of what should be considered normal every day life occurrences...not only there at that apartment...but anywhere else as well. If an occasion occurs that falls in such a category and is not one of more meaningful significant interest, I find little interest in it.
  15. Could it possibly be in any way related to perhaps some noticing less times of what may be considered to some as occasions of more significant interests occurring there lately ?
  16. Maybe nothing got splashed outside the tub and onto the floor that time e. Since it's only been obvious that you find a great deal of enjoyment from such particular situations, if you don't already have one, perhaps you should consider downloading an app. that would enable you to get some snapshot stills the next time a similar situation occurs. Then when or if at times such situations don't occur after all, you could rather refer to some of those instead. Then you would be privy to that particular form of beauty whenever you may feel any urge to, and may perhaps even dream about it at times when you sleep as well. Just a suggestion. Hope you sleep well. 🙂
  17. That or sometimes in moderation. It is after all late there though.
  18. I've never noticed that they did anything after a big meal other than either sit in the living room and watch tv or something on a tablet and occasionally chit chat or lay in bed and do the same.
  19. I didn't never noticed one in the previous apartment either. But evidently my peepers do perhaps miss things more than they may once have.
  20. Just checked and saw it. I never noticed it before. Surely one twice that size would be better suited for the both of the two women though. Although I'm certain there's a limited amount of space in that sized apartment, surely they could benefit from one two or three times that size and have enough room there somewhere. I actually had looked around to see if I had noticed a solid made hamper anywhere rather than the net style one they have. May be why I missed it.
  21. Other than perhaps available room in the apartment, I've wondered why they may have no hamper there. Probably the same as why the apartment doesn't have any type of chest of drawers, only shelves and wire type baskets in closets. Surely there would be enough room for a hamper though, maybe in the hall rather than throw clothes in a pile on the floor there. Perhaps the balcony furniture may have seemed more important at the time instead.
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