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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. I would say there are good chances on you being spot on about that too.
  2. I'm not sure about that Xarvaz. I don't know when they start or end.
  3. That really doesn't matter to me slip. Sure, it's nice and all and still interesting at times, but also at times not as much to me as once was. I guess it's seemed to have become what I've mentioned before, more of the same that's been many times. I guess before being proven wrong about anything ever happening between her and her friend, and realizing that it was certainly much more interesting than I ever thought a situation of such between them would ever be, that now would most likely be more interesting to me now, at least more than what has occurred of that compared to as much of her by herself. I never would have ever believed that I would feel that way before it happened with them.
  4. Not trying to be hateful. Just what I feel may be occuring from what I've noticed and seen lately. I'm sure it may have seemed sarcastic, but it wasn't meant to be.
  5. Well blue...since it appears that Leora may very well be considering on another solo masturbation again...probably not much. May be something to assure herself that she doesn't feel frisky in any way later if there is any interaction at all with her friend. Of course there could be some desire now...but there also could be some concern of cam numbers as well having spent another over half of another night away this week. Maybe she will feel up to laying in her bed while her friend watches something on a tablet and she mostly stays on her phone with a towel wrapped around her head again some more later.
  6. I always liked that show. Like everything else though...seems whatever may be liked...gets done away with too soon as far as continuing to make new episodes. Although the first times I ever heard that was from my father when I was a young boy.
  7. Perhaps better than my luck...as I may have been informed that if a frog had wings...it wouldn't bump it's ass every time it hops. 🙂
  8. I know. Had I been someone well off enough, perhaps I may have beat the current other significant other to the punch. 🙂
  9. Most certainly. Always nice to get to know someone even more in person as well.
  10. I believe the majority of us that visit here may be.
  11. Interesting...and the parts of which I am aware of...very true. Anyone with any concern, may should only hope the best for her. Although none of us have ever really known her in person.
  12. Well, it appears that things have gotten quiet here again all of a sudden so I'll see if I can perhaps get something going. Although I know and realize that the woman known as Leora is a woman of 29 years old now, and has always seemed to be a quite intelligent woman, in noticing how often and closer together that the all nighters have seemed to be now occurring this soon, I certainly hope she is giving enough thought and consideration into what she may be getting herself involved in. After all, she was only involved with one other individual of which she obviously was never afforded as much freedom as far as being able to do what she wanted when she wanted. Something considered to be merely rebound reflexxes by many. Such transitions of situations of circumstances has not always ended up working out so well for others transitioning from similar situations to situations as she may be without enough consideration or thought being given to such. I certainly hope she has and is and hope the best for her.
  13. Yes, so I suppose I must say On Gaurd 🤺...On Gaurd 🤺 ever so often. 🙂
  14. Imo, that should be considered to be good that she may. I certainly hope she does. Not in any sense of tending to her friends more personal business, but only where she may be concerned. I'm done in #52.
  15. A similar thought crossed my mind as well. But whatever...we all see things differently I guess. Life would certainly be boring otherwise.
  16. Although a 100 times is only a quite exagerated example, I know what you mean. Women can certainly be undecisive at times where clothes are concerned.
  17. Makes sense. Things seem to always happen in life that seem to cause friction in every situation, friend or family.
  18. In relation to any gov, I certainly know that. Just has seemed quite strange how they can return from somewhere, and she chooses to change into something considered quite sexy, during which time they don't talk much if any, then it has seemed that she chooses to change into something else in a timespan that could be considered not long after her friend leaves. Maybe she is informed and does know what's going on where her friend Leora is concerned, but noticing that has been occurring has seemed strange imo.
  19. Any idea why she may choose to change into attire considered more sexy, only to change into attire considered more for sleeping shortly after Leora leaves as often as it has been noticed to have occurred then slip. I mean, people don't usually change clothes for no apparent reason.
  20. I certainly wouldn't think so. But then again, I've never really noticed any times where it could have been considered that there was possibly any subtle friction between them either until some of the occasions noticed recently. After all, even family members have their times of that.
  21. As I stated at the end pep, if that is in fact what has been occurring. But strangely enough, it's been noticed that it's occurred on multiple occasions when it seemed Malia may have been unsure as to what may have been in store for the evening, only to then change again shortly after her departure.
  22. It has seemed somewhat obvious that Leora's friend Maila has at times seemed to have been somewhat confused or unsure of certain things. The times (of which there's been a number of) when she has chosen to dress in certain attire such as her sexy sheer night slip negligee's only to then afterwards realize that some situation quite different was occurring or going to occur, and then to decide otherwise as far as apparel goes has been obvious. Just as it was evident that she dressed in her sheer black slip there tonight, and just now decided to change into some shorts and a tshirt to sleep in, not long after her friends departure. Imo, she has been unsure of certain situations or plans at times because of apparent lack of enough communication from her friend. The times when they have little to say to one another may be indicative of such. Imo, seems that if her friend in fact had plans, that perhaps the least she could do was perhaps to let her know so, so maybe she wouldn't waste her time otherwise if that is after all what's been occurring.
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