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Everything posted by Raul399

  1. Hello... 1- I have blocked two forum contributors .... if you don't read our messages, how do you know that 3 of the 4 pages are ours? YOU LIE. 2- Leora - General Chat Topic .... this forum is to talk about LEORA. I have reviewed your comments and you only speak to be against the collaborators ... there is no comment neither good nor bad about LEORA ... it is normal you do not pay you do not see you do not speak ... if you need an address to see it ask maybe you help on that. (you can't ask because you have me locked and you can't read me .. bad luck) 3- MULTICUENT ... I only have this one and I am questioning to continue with it, while there are people who discriminate against others just by talking about LEORA. in a forum for LEORA. I am Spanish and I do not deny it .. 4. I am the first who does not like the way Johnny describes the comments ... (sometimes very vulgar) about what he sees of LEORA. I DO NOT ASK FORGIVENESS. by himself an attractive man. I DO NOT ASK FORGIVENESS. for having the body that I have my 12 hours a week of effort I have trouble having my body as I have it. I DO NOT ASK FORGIVENESS. for having my own company .. (Thanks dad) I DON'T ASK PERCON. For being a voyeur and looking at LEORA. I like how it is, how it behaves before the cameras, and I think I have never missed the RESPECT, if I have ever given the feeling of missing it, I apologize. I DO NOT ASK FORGIVENESS. By writing here, for me it is a way to release my most primitive instincts, thanks to the anonymity that this gives me. in real life they would marginalize me for being a voyeur ... people are bad by nature. That said, I do not feel encouraged to continue in this forum, as the days go by and without comments from 3 or 4 people, this forum is dead. For a week there has been no talk of LEORA .. (in its forum) only people have been discriminated against, some because they talk a lot, others because hahaha bothers them .. others because they have vulgar language ... I have not read anything about LEORA, as hello beautiful, you are very sexy with those clothes, you have a beautiful smile, it is a pleasure to see you, and a thousand adjectives to say how fantastic it is LEORA. I will not answer anything about this .. I think I have been clear about my thinking. From now on a gif a hello I see you .. that will be the only thing I will write ... now write those who have criticized me and tell Leora forum things about Leora ... THANKS ... UNTIL ALWAYS. Postscript. 20 hours ago Marxsolita said these words ... SOME WHO SAYS SO YOUNG, SPEAKING VARIOUS LANGUAGES, WITH A LOT OF MONEY, A GREAT WORK, GUAPOY AND WITH AWESOME PHYSICIAN THAT CUSHIONS MISSING TIME HERE. According to your way of thinking, here you have to speak, the elderly, who do not speak languages, with little money, a job of shit, ugly and with a physical of shit ... they are not my words ... they are Marxsolita's words, and how the people who speak in this forum should be ... At this point ... I cannot speak in this forum ... I do not possess any of the virtues that Marxsolita demands (asks, begs) to write in this forum. hola... 1- he bloqueado a dos colaboradores del foro....si no lees nuestros mensajes como sabes que 3 de las 4 paginas son nuestras? MIENTES. 2- Leora - General Chat Topic....este foro es para hablar de LEORA. He revisado tus comentarios y solo hablas para estar en contra de los colaboradores... no hay ningun comentario ni bueno ni malo sobre LEORA... es normal no pagas no ves no hablas... si necesitas direno para verla pide tal vez te ayude en eso.(no puedes pedir porque me tienes bloqueado y no puedes leerme.. mala suerte) 3- MULTICUENTA... yo solo tengo esta y estoy cuestionandome seguir con ella , mientras haya personas que discriminen a otras solo por hablar de LEORA. en un foro para LEORA. Yo soy español y no lo niego.. 4. yo soy el primero que no le gusta la forma que Johnny describe los comentarios ... ( a veces muy vulgares) sobre lo que ve de LEORA. NO PIDO PERDON. por se un hombre atractivo. NO PIDO PERDON. por tener el cuerpo que tengo mis 12 horas a la semana de esfuerzo me cuesta tener mi cuerpo como lo tengo. NO PIDO PERDON. por tener mi propia empresa..(Gracias papa) NO PIDO PERCON. Por ser un voyeur y mirar a LEORA. me gusta como es, como se comporta delate de las camaras, y creo que nunca he faltado el RESPETO, si alguna vez he dado la sensacion de faltarlo, pido perdon. NO PIDO PERDON. Por escribir aqui, para mi es una forma de liberar mis instintos mas primitivo, gracias al anonimato que esto me proporciona. en la vida real me marginarian por ser un voyeur... la gente somos malos por naturaleza. Dicho todo esto, no me siento con animos para seguir en este foro, con el paso de los dias y sin comentarios de 3 o 4 personas, este foro estar muerto. Durante una semana no se ha hablado de LEORA.. ( en su foro) solo se ha discriminado a personas, unas porque hablan mucho, otras porque les molesta el hahaha.. otras porque tienen un lenguaje vulgar... no he leido nada sobre LEORA, como hola guapa, estas muy sexy con esa ropa, tienes bonita sonrisa, es un placer verte, y mil adjetivos para decir lo fantastica que es LEORA. No voy a responder a nada sobre esto.. creo que he sido claro sobre mi forma de pensar. A partir de ahora un gif un hola te veo.. eso sera lo unico que escribire...ahora escribir los que me han criticado y contar en el foro de Leora cosas de Leora... GRACIAS... HASTA SIEMPRE. Posdata. hace 20 horas Marxsolita dijo estas palabras... ALGUNOS QUE SE DICE TAN JOVEN, HABLANDO VARIOS IDIOMAS, CON MUCHO DINERO, UN GRAN TRABAJO, GUAPOY Y CON FISICO IMPRESIONANTE QUE COJONES HACE PERDIENDO EL TIEMPO AQUI. Segun tu forma de pensar, aqui tiene que hablar, las personas mayores, que no hablen idiomas, con poco dinero, un trabajo de mierda, feo y con un fisico de mierda... no son palabras mias... son palabras de Marxsolita, y como debe ser las personas que hablen en este foro... Llegado a este punto.. yo no puedo hablar en este foro...no poseo ningua de las virtudes que exige (pide, ruega) Marxsolita para escribir en este foro.
  2. Johnny You stay alone .. I'm going to sleep .... Good night .. Hugs
  3. When I pass my tongue across the screen it gives me electricity ... It's a apt reflection .. Ha ha ha
  4. Each time I have trouble writing with one hand. The other hand is busy. Ha ha ha
  5. Look what a naughty girl smile ... I really like
  6. I have something to punch in the pussy and it's not the hand .. Ha ha ha
  7. Now that nobody reads me ... Leora makes me very horny and my cock is very hard .. Ha ha ha
  8. Where are those who want this chat to talk about love ... Ha ha ha nobody talks ... Only us .. Ha ha ha
  9. Who can resist such a beautiful image ... I do not
  10. If it takes a long time, I don't think I'll see it. It's 11:30. As always, I wait for me to go to sleep.
  11. I'm looking at my ass and I think about passing my tongue ... Ha ha ha
  12. Go visit the doctor to check your ear .. Ha ha ha ... I didn't hear anything
  13. Tonight I would like you to do it in the bedroom .. With clean sheets and the smell of fabric softener ...
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