Yes she had a bate a few nights ago, can't be sure what day. Used a dildo that she keeps in the top drawer of her bedside table. You would have to search back hundreds of pages to find any reference. Noldus may have a record of time and day. She started by humping the long pillow that's beside her now.
What are the chances of Lola having a bate tonight. It's been over 48hours since her last one. Plenty of sexual tension would have built up in that long time.
Strange that B2 would go UM after midnight. Must be a server problem. Too many watching Nicole caused the melt down. I would doubt a new girl would come in at this hour.
When I first saw Leora having a bate, it looked so staged, but I think now that how she enjoys it. The slow build up and how she pulls at her boobs, she is fair dinkum what she does.