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Nari Dog

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Posts posted by Nari Dog

  1. 1 minute ago, Amy3 said:

    Yes, and it will continue to be for X number fo hours. These girls are here to make money pure and simple! If they were here for the sex it would be happening right now. They are playing thier stupid games for views ($$$)!

    From what I have seen so far, I think you have hit the nail right on the head. :angry:

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  2. 14 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:



    SInce September Anastasia moved into VH with her then boyfriend. They had a shaky relationship at first, then it got real good for a while, then it got real bad real quick. Anastasia had always wanted to venture out and do more sexual things, experiment with other people (in my opinion). Her boyfriend was the opposite.

    A few weeks ago the boyfriend was convinced to try swapping partners with another couple. It didn't go well for him. Needless to say, there was big fight. They broke up, but Ana finally got that "spark" in her eye that she had been wanting for a long time. It was so apparent you could see it from space. Now she's single and looking to party. Problem is Anastasia is shy and she can be a nice girl but she definitely has a freak side to her. Just needs someone to let it out. She's not as confident as Misty or Nyusha, but I like seeing character development in people so I'm curious to see if Ana will ever become confident or not.

    Thanks, nice to know some background to the participants. Soounds like she would be one to watch and hope she finds happiness and enjoys life. 

  3. Love studying human situations and appreciate that not everything is about fucking. Was a keen Reallife Cam watcher for a while and if you know some of the characters, the twins fascinated me as to their behaviour towards each other. They could read each others minds and I don't think there was a crossed word between them. I hope to get to know these ladies in the future. I think Anastasia is a real hottie and I enjoy the way she moves.

  4. 27 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:


    So here's the rundown on all three girls:

    Misty is the girl in the middle. She easily has the most sexual experience out of the two girls combined. She's into girls but never brings home any to fuck. She's been in multiple threesomes, one orgy (almost two). She will most likely be the one to fuck the guy that's there now.

    The girl sitting to Misty's left is Nyusha. She's just as sexually charged as Misty but hasn't fucked NEARLY as many guys. She's not so much into girls but has been in more threesomes/gangbangs than Misty.

    The girl to Misty's right is Anastasia. She's newly single after being in a relationship for months. She's definitely into girls but don't expect her to fuck Misty unless there's a guy involved. Anastasia and Nyusha share an apartment but no telling how long that's going to last. They were friends before they moved in. They both met Misty during their stay on VH and now all of them are friends.

    Thanks for the heads up Miscvoyeur, by the sounds of it you have been watching these ladies closely. :biggrin:

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