That is why i sent out the invitation to her. Which i know she will not respond to. Last thing i for got to add is that i have a technique of making a women squirt. And it has worked on every girl I have been with. Now that would be awesome to see once on here.
First off staying power. But i would start with some foreplay which alex sucks at, because he rarely has done it. Second i would be touching the most erogenous zones on her body. Some women can just come just by touching those zones. Last my penis has a slight curve and i tend to hit the gspot went i fuck my girl. She has cummed at least 6 time just by me fucking her.
Now the thing about sex is as the man your suppose to make sure your women has at least 1 orgasm before you get off yourself. And that is where Alex fails as a man.
ok from what i just saw. Anna and Alex need to go to a real BDSM club and get some real pointers. If i was the master the slave would be cleaning up not the master. But hold on Alex is the slave and Anna is the master of the house.
what i ment was at least they could stay VHTV until near when the baby would be born on. Why would they have to leave. Is it that you don't want to see a pregnant women fuck? And from what i understand the places people are staying at are not owned by VHTV. They are rented and payed for VHTV. But if Mika and Layne had originally been staying there before they were on VHTV. Then who's to say they can't stay there in the future.
Almost going now for 3hrs. But what sucks is that Dana is always so pent up in doing anything at the beginning. But when it starts. She can't stop going. She's like the energizer bunny that just keeps going.
Hands down Mika and Layne are the most intersting couple on VHTV. You never know what your going to get next. But that is why everytime i'm on here my broswer goes here first.