I guess I will be a non member. if they don't want my business, I am happy to not give it to them. I don't understand the process by which some can post pics, and others cannot. I am not a whiner, so I will just bid farewell to RLC i guess. Luckily for me, I was just one day from renewing my subscription anyway! Good Luck to all.
Nope, Its just me. I didn't know you could get banned for posting pics. this IS a picture forum. I cropped out most of the markings. why should I get banned? No multi-characters here...
Dark and grainy, the lighting wasn't the best but here is what I have. there was no action, just sexy dancing and about 15 min massage on Lola. The energizer bunny wouldn't be still long enough to get a clear shot of her, but this is all I could get.
just one question, has the new girl, Stella, even taken a shower since she's been here? I may have missed it, but things must be getting pretty ripe if not. just saying...
Just some Pictures of my wife that I thought I would share, Enjoy.
Just one Question... How in the hell does this weasel sleep with this girl for three nights in a row and NOT have sex with her? Or have I missed something?