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Everything posted by ed2

  1. Kelly, Molly, and a shy girl who stayed in B2, Antonia. Also Erin. How could I forget Leona... And my sweet Regina!
  2. I was thinking mostly on facial beauty, and personallities I liked, when I made that list. Probably many I forgot. Definitely Dayana for me too, and my undesputedly number one, if I think about the whole body, is Amber.
  3. But not so good for my computer arm (tennis elbow). πŸ˜‰
  4. I wonder if Diane could be counted as this too, she is definitely helping alot on my mental and physical health these days. 😘
  5. A big thank you to all health care workers. β€οΈπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€βš•οΈπŸ‘©πŸ»β€βš•οΈπŸ‘πŸ»β€οΈ
  6. A relationship without quarrels is a relationship without passion.
  7. Yes, she is definitely on my top 3 list too, of cutest girls on RLC ever. Along with Jasmin, Nicole, Diane, Holly, Debby, Salma, Erika, Glasha, Kira, Candy, and possibly a few more I've forgot. You see, it's quite crowdy on my top 3 list.
  8. Fiora did a very nice little bate before going to sleep, around 04:05.
  9. Even in her sleep Diane ❀️ gently stroaks her skin. I love it!
  10. Brave doctors in Italy! Let us cheer the health care workers of the world! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»
  11. BTW, I created this thread to share my pictures, nothing more. I don't know if people likes it?
  12. It looks brutal and inhuman to me. I guess the United States don't have any benefit/support to give, so that even poor people can get a proper burial? These images are really sad. 😒 Capitalism is raw!
  13. If you don't like it, you are free to go quarrel in another thread! What is it with you Americans? You bomb other nations' head of states, but can't take a lighthearted joke about your own president? This is also kind of what I'm rediculing. This naive patrotism. Trump is sort of a symbol on the extreme American arrogance and pride, wich is almost hard to believe as a non-American. You got to admit, he has kind of built himself an image on being this straight forward, simplifying, fool. That said, I'm not a Trump hater. He has re-negotiated several trade agreements, imposed customs to protect American industries and jobs, and he is trying to bring illegal immigration under control, wich are all policies I agree with. This is the only thing that matters to normal hard working people, and I think Trump will get re-elected, because all your other politicians fail to even adress these important issues. They're out of touch with the grassroot in the country. Something else Trump has shows us, is that CNN etc. were never any more objective than Fox News used to be. I too am tired of headlines like "so often does Trump lie". It is irrelevant, as long as the media fail to shade some light on the actual content, and give us a reflected picture. Scandals have become more important than public enlightment.
  14. The virus has also reached the crew on the French nuclare hangar ship, Charles de Gaulle!
  15. Mass burrials in New York, USA! The pandemic has hit full force now! Almost surreal settings!
  16. Don't you have anything better to do than come here and mock us?
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