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Everything posted by ed2

  1. If they go to a club, or private party, it doesn't matter. They're out, that's the point!
  2. @nagachilli2: I agree. But with Megan it was all a show for Megan to be top cam...It would have to be genuine for me... Megan is someone I don't really like as a person. Her shows were pure work with no emotions, and she often seemed angry at everyone and everything if things did not go her way. Megan and Holly are like night and day. Holly is nice to everyone, always happy, even when everything works agaist her. She seems to enjoy herself, and put her soul into the things she does. Holly reminds me alot more of Salma and Anabella in that way, they were showgirls too, but loved every second of what they were doing.
  3. Take Gina for example, one of their best friends, who at first impression can seem very similar, but she actually has a personallity that sticks much deeper. Full of imperfections, wich is a good thing, imo. She has good and bad sides, ups and downs, like most humans. It makes her not come off as fake. I actually grew to love her.
  4. Oh, I think the twins are nice and bubbly, but beyound that, they totally lack a personallity. It is just flat, nothing I manage to have any feelings for at all.
  5. One million, maybe? Not quite sure what is the metric unit for cuteness!
  6. Cherry actually turned her head to look at Holly a couple of times.
  7. You know, too drunk can often lead to good things too! Atleast I think so.
  8. Holly is my type of girl. Often wearing tight pants. She has some great pairs. Those grey pants really show her forms. ❤️
  9. Most of all, I hope this means Holly and Cherry will also try again to bring their boys!
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