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Everything posted by serg69

  1. Doesn't look like they are spending too much time at home anyway at least for now. Hope that changes.
  2. Usually when couples leave for extended period on time RLC would put on vacation sign. Surprising they are gone for so long especially on weekday and not weekends. Hope they are not in big trouble.
  3. Never worried about them being camera shy. They are latinas which means they should be passionate and having plenty of sex. The reason Alma/Stefan didn't have sex on the balcony is that Stefan had to actually leave his computer for more than a minute leaving Alma to masturbate on her own, kind of like Roman doing now. That said I prefer them to fuck indoors unless they put cameras outside. She might not be as hot as Katya, but I have a feeling new couple will rival Anton/Alina in the bedroom.
  4. Maybe they got upset people were taking their daily sexcapades for granted and decided to take the show on the road. I am sure they are staying at some friends or familie's house and fucking more than ever. lol
  5. So unusual to see the empty living room instead of retarded Stefan sitting on the computer there 24/7 Give them some time to adjust to the cameras. Can't tell by the 1st couple of days. Sofia and Roman had sex right away and we all know how that turned out since then. Hopefully they will be fun to watch.
  6. It happened allright. It just needs to happen much more often. All that wrestling in the bed finally progressed to sex. Probably their best session ever. Katya moans are sexy. Somewhere between Diana's silence and Sofia's fake pornstar screaming which is how it should be done. Wish it wasn't so rare occasion.
  7. Even people who don't drink probably would start if onve have to be with Ruslan. Can't really blame her.
  8. Efim need to invest in some sex toys to spice things up. Not talking about hancuffs but more like vibrators. She is horny, but just to quite during sex. They need to experiment more than just doing it in the shower.
  9. To get a revenge she actually have to have sex and why would she subject hersef to such a punishment.
  10. Haven't heard from those people who complained they have sex way too often. They must be happy now.
  11. Two words: marriage and kids. Not sure Sofia was any different before, and if she wasn't then Roman got nobody else to blame but himself. Unless he was really desperate but that's no reason to get married. lol
  12. I am pretty sure he woudn't have married her if she was like this when they were dating. My guess would be she always had low sex drive but was probably putting out more or less prior to them getting married. And once they did the sex became very rare occurance. Usually happens when couples start having kids but in this case she doesn't have an excuse and she acts like she is old women. It will only get worse later.
  13. He gets more affection from the dog that his wife. I'd rather be single the rest of my life than marry Sofia.
  14. You can only expect Diana and Efim to have sex once a day. The rest especially Sofia and Roman you might wait weeks to see anything unless you're interested in watching male masturbation. lol Unless you have no life whatsover and got 24 hrs/7days a week to watch you are going to miss more than you catch just because of the time zone differences. I am in between jobs now and home more than usual and even then you miss a lot and only read about it since there is very little pics and videos these days. Sometimes feels like a waste of money. Anyway, congrats on subscription good luck and enjoy your stay.
  15. Yea, it's 4 am their time and they are going strong playing music. Wonder if the neighbors can hear them. The party is fine but to me the fun doesn't start until Diana gets drunk and pass out and Efim starts hitting on the girls and try to watch them get naked. Haven't seen Diana cry yet either. Let's stay tuned.
  16. Fucking more whores will speed up the divorce process for sure so he might want to get it going. lol
  17. She is on to him so he is pretty much screwed as long as they stay together. No amount of flowers or begging are going to help his cause. Expect plenty of masturbation time for Roman. They're going nowhere.
  18. Alina is good at sex but not when it comes to cleaning the house. Don't know how they can live like that. Looks like someone robbed that place. Maybe the only hope is that they have some company/guests over which will force them to clean that mess. Otherwise maybe fat friend can come over and help them out.
  19. Even when she is on her period it doesn't stop them from having sex. Good session in the bathroom.
  20. If she doesn't know Roman is cheating than she is dummer than I thought especially since she doesn't put out more than once a month.
  21. Leora cries and has the same conversation with Paul at least once or twice a month and then they make up and nothing really changes. Same boring routine. Maybe she should bring up how bad Paul is when it comes to bedroom skills but she probably doesn't have anybody to compare it to and never had orgasm.
  22. When you get sex once a month from your wife you will be spanking your monkey also. Hooker time! lol
  23. Don't have to be careful. Just stating my opinion and sure majority of people here. Them and Max and Lora were the 2 most boring couples. They would have to pay me to watch Nora and Kiko and not the other way around. So basically they replaced them with another 2 new boring Russian couples until Efim and Diana came on board but to each it's own. I would never understand what possibly could be exciting that you would miss them but don't really need an explanation. There are people here who were under impression that Sofia is coming on to Roman by giving him all kinds of signs to have sex and it can't be any further from the truth. People are watching the same thing and express completely opposite point of view here.
  24. Nobody responds as to why people like Sofia and Roman so I guess nobody really does. Nora and Kiko was even more boring. All they did was eat soup and watch TV. And don't even get me started on Ruslan. I feel bad for poor Katya. Got to be the hottest chick on RLC and she can't get anything from that idiot retard. At least Roman is trying to spice things up by bringing hooker home between having sex once a month with Sofia and masturbating. He must feel like being in strip club since he can look but not touch his wife. It's really a shame. If it wasn't for Diana and Efim there wouldn't be much to get excited about these days.
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