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  1. well look who's back,Miss Bella.Let's hope she came back with more action then before.It's sad to see danaya go,But she look sick to me !!
  2. i hope your did't miss it this morning,at about 12:15 am irma and stella was getting a body massage by some man,but it was hooootttttt !
  3. i hope your did't miss it this morning,at about 12:15 am irma and stella was getting a body massage by some man,but it was hooootttttt !
  4. you know,it's funny when you find something you like,sadley it go's blank with black dot's.maybe i should see a doctor...i'm seeing dot's!
  5. now this is just what i've been looking for,the whole dam family is together.now let's seen what's going to go down tonight !!
  6. you know speaking of danaya,she must have something on her mine,why i say that ?well we all remember the time she spent the night with irma,irma lick'd her up and down all she done was just lay there.what can it be? from what i keep seeing is angelina is just throwing all kind's of hint's and still she look's the other way! hello! the golden gate is open !!!!!
  7. 5min irma is breaking her record,but i can understand.she want stella so much she has to do this untill she give in !i hope it's soon.
  8. now as we all know,irma/stella and the twins are going to get something going but it's going to take time,i hope it's soon! sometime's when i look into rlc,it remine me of a wake.everybody is just siting around doing nothing! and would somebody please wake up danaya an angelina it's about that time.the only thing that wake's me up is when angelina have herself at night !
  9. as i watch the sister's,i notice that one of them is horny,she keep rubbing her self an attemp to play with her self !so what is she thinking,maybe me an my sister can get it on ? who know's not us !
  10. now let's see if we can analyze this,if i'm seeing right,this is what i see,the sister's are gravitateing towards irma stella is checking out one of the sister's irma still have eye's for stella and one of the sister's seem to be envying her sister cause she's having so much fun and all she do is stand be an sometime act the part! so what do you make of this ?
  11. somebody please tell stella to put those cancer sticks down,she's smoking more then she was before !maybe she's got something on her mine.
  12. Sorry did't relize the cap was on.Thank you and have a good day !
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