while rosie and sofie were watching movie caro returned rosie shut off movie to greet caro and sofie back to her room I guess sofie figures she don't fit in and retreats back to her room well hopefully nichole who is her friend should be back tomorrow so she will havd someone to hang with
I'm am concerned for all the girls here and its my feelings that talk about a situation I don't judge do care about there safety and well being hope things always turn out good for them and I hope gina will be ok
its is a shame to see what has happened to gina but if they send her home I hope someone out there will help her or else she is out f control right now and needs help when the twins were there she drank and hung out til stella and substances arrived I hope she can get help or her life will be a living hell and mess
I think rlc waited for belle to leave them um b2 but didn't want to um both b1 and b2 at the same time so it could bre possible viloetta heading to b2 but5 we will have to wait and see
she was sitting on restroom floor looking at her phone hope she wasn't looking at forums now shes in by kami for girl talk keep your head up kristy you are a beauty for sure