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Everything posted by gaelgamorkh

  1. Doubt it. If it happens it's "only for money", to quote Megan herself. None of the other two have the lust or sexual energy to break her wall of repression. Megan with Damira was also real, because Damira cracked her "perfect little girl" spiel.
  2. Not this. This was real, not an hour of giggling at Salma's batshit antics and some light rubbing. When your nose is crammed into the bottle cap for the lube and you don't care, that's not a show.
  3. I look a lot at body language when watching the girls, and as Damira is my favourite, I notice all the sneaky looks the other girls shoot her way. Debby is way too timid to say anything though, Salma is very obvious with her lust towards her. Anabella tried to get something going but was shot down yesterday. I think Damira is a bit fed up with Megan's prudishness, but she also eyes her up all the time.
  4. Also funny that the three in Anabella's room would not be capable of any of this, and would probably be shocked if they watched it. The only one that could match Damira's energy is a drunk Sara. Make. It. Happen.
  5. I think Debby prefers a more personal touch than being pounded by a 10-foot pole. A slow burner building up to a crescendo, and Damira prefers the piledriver. A little bit of a mismatch, but I don't think anyone's complaining.
  6. Debby has been lusting after Damira for a while, so she must be in la-la land now.
  7. 5 girls crammed onto one bed, this is scintillating entertainment! This "show" feels so forced, like management sent Sofie and Naomi to "kick things off".
  8. I think Damira needs a new playmate. You can't leave a performance engine like that idling for too long...
  9. Someone's gonna wake up really hungover and have to clean up this mess. Take it from a former professional binge drinker (Scandiwegian): Clean up everything while you're still drunk. Get some good tunes on and just tidy up. I always woke up and thanked my drunk ass for being so considerate. 😊
  10. Really? That surprises me. Damira has been on the receiving end of Diva's tantrums on more than one occasion.
  11. I didn't follow what happened at the table when everything kicked off, did Diva set it off or did one of the girls say something to get her pissed?
  12. I don't know most of the back stories of the girls here, so I can't comment on past events. Just find it odd to write page up and page down about how some girls will never perform to their expectation, and then get angry when their predictions come true. As I have stated before, I don't mind Sofie. She does a hell of a lot more than other girls, and I try to just enjoy when things do happen. A couple of the girls I have figured out and subsequently stopped watching because they project something other than what they will perform. Sofie has never crossed that line for me.
  13. If it's this so offensive, why watch? Do you hate yourselves THAT much? You knew what to expect, got what you expected, yet you cry like toddlers who threw their own toy out of the stroller. Jeez...
  14. I think Sara plays it right, build some tension until the next release.
  15. Sara isn't really my type, but I think she could trick me into doing something stupid. She has a special aura of mischief around her.
  16. Sofie recounting that night to Naomi, Naomi looks shocked.
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