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Everything posted by gaelgamorkh

  1. I'd be amazed if this guy gets any tonight. Not a good move to flick on a football match if you want to impress a girl, unless she's really into it. This is all down to how badly she wants some, or how much she reads about her 'failures' on here. She's still laughing, but the eye rolls are plentiful.
  2. For me personally, sometimes, yes. I don't care for looks alone, if the personality isn't a match I look elsewhere. If the girl has a bubbly personality AND is cute, she's a winner in my eyes. Other opinions are available elsewhere.
  3. You stated that she has mental issues like it was a fact. That is not okay in any setting.
  4. No, because my past girlfriends weren't single, they were my girlfriends. What they did before or after doesn't bother me.
  5. It's shit like this that keeps the stigma against people with real mental health issues. Yes, you can air your opinion, but don't post it like it's fact when you can't back it up.
  6. That is a fair statement. Claiming someone has mental health issues based on a whim is not. Unless you are a certified psychiatrist, understand the language AND have had lengthy conversations with her, you should keep that stuff to yourself.
  7. Would it be fair of me to say that you have issues based on what you type here?
  8. Oh, you know her? Or are you making the classic mistake of judging someone purely on what you can see on VHTV?
  9. Wouldn't mind handling Misty myself, ifyouknowwhatimsayin.
  10. Simpsons on the TV, Misty snuggled up on the sofa. My forecast says plenty of cute giggles, with a high risk of random pussy rubbing. Slight chance of random dude dropping by and ruining the evening by not making a move and me getting an aneurysm.
  11. He noticed her rubbing herself and looked away like "WTF?", then they seemed to have a giggle about it. I know I would be freaked out if my random date was rubbing her crotch every now and then. If she isn't communicating clearly her intentions, it would just look like a girl with an itchy crotch.
  12. Shooting putty at the moon, releasing the hostages, getting rid of the poison, on a date with Palmela Handerson, milking the cobra, squeezing out the toothpaste etc.
  13. Yep, make a move or bail. He is running face first into becoming a 'cuddle buddy' at this rate.
  14. Only a drunk dude can get yelled at like that and still think "this is totally worth staying for".
  15. He lost his cool over the stalling, she's chewing him out for it.
  16. "It's fascinating to watch the courtship of this species, pay close attention to the male's forced smile and half-arsed nods in agreement as the female babbles on and on about nothing. All for a remote chance that she will ask him into her nest for a delightful, passionate fuck." David Attenborough, eat your heart out.
  17. I don't know about this guy, but a girl pulling out a knife and hacking away at penis-shaped things doesn't really put me in the mood for sexytimes...
  18. Yes, it's the well-known 'Anna tactic': Keep stalling until the only people awake are them and the local farmers, and make sure that any male participant drinks so much they can't perform.
  19. I'm enjoying the absolute meltdown here, need to pop out for more popcorn soon. So far it's building up to be the lamest mystery/drama though, as the culprits are pretty obvious. Or perhaps it was poor "sub management" the last time someone decided to steal equipment too? Probably unrelated since there's nothing connecting the two situations, like, at all.
  20. 1-3) You made a claim, when you're called out on it you need to be prepared to back it up with facts. 4) Porn producers and actors both know that their customers are more interested in scenes without the use of condoms. The fee for scenes without condoms are higher than with. Porn is actually produced outside the US. 5) Show me any empiric evidence that proves condoms are "only for people at risk". 6) I have not made any such statement against RLC couples on the use of condoms, it's none of my business what they do in their most intimate moments. You, on the other hand, attack couples for practicing safe sex - showing your lack of knowledge on birth control, or any insight into why these couples choose to use condoms.
  21. 1) Go to any popular porn tube site. 2) Watch all videos on the first three pages, no particular category selected. 3) Calculate the percentage of scenes where condoms are used. 4) Realize your statement is factually incorrect. 5) Contact qualified medical personel and ask them to teach you about the practice of safe sex and use of condoms / other means of birth control. 6) Be happy that afterwards you're just a little bit smarter.
  22. What? A loving couple practicing safe sex? How dare they?? I bet those savages wear seat belts in cars too. Such filth...
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