He used to play his games on a laptop in the living room. He virtually ignored her. It got so bad that one night she tried crawling all over him. He gently moved her out of the way of his screen and continued playing. She ran to the bedroom and cried on her sister's shoulder for a while and then tried it again...same result. This went on all night. The poor girl was SO frustrated!
Shortly after that, I believe they came to an agreement. He bought the parts and built his desktop PC and moved it into the bedroom. It appeared that her side of the bargain was that he would comply with her demand for sex whenever she wanted it. Of course, unintended consequences often result from such agreements and one of them is that she has to sleep on the sofa if she wants a good night's sleep.
But hey, he gets to play his games...she gets sex. If they can live with that, I guess it's okay. My advice to her would be to toss the guy out on the street, but maybe there are other considerations they need to deal with.
dude why would he comply with sex ? :o if i was him i would accept it everytime like why does she need to force him. I agree with you she should find a man who treats her right and doesnt ignore her, but i guess if she loves him she can stay with him.