ur making it sound like u know for sure there were assaults that's the not the case these are questionable acts but it's not 100 pct an assault
1. the girl was very very drunk she was also talking moving around changed positions wasn't hitting the guy pushing him away screaming she made a phone call afterwards she was walking afterwards this one is very questionable can't say 100 pct either way on this one
2. she had sex twice the first time guy lasted 1 min the 2nd time lasted longer she was willingly each time no sign of any struggle the incident with her happened after the sex when the guys came in the room
3. marketa started with a massage the guy was fingering her then he pulled his dick out and she grabbed it with her hand then he started to have sex with her she wasn't feeling it she stopped it and she left, was this assault i don't think it was, i think it was a female who didn't want it she stopped it and left so i think u are quite wrong in ur claims that all were assaults