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Status Replies posted by le5b05

  1. HiYa Barry Elephant

    Sorry to PM you like this but you are right, I am wrong, and I do not mind being corrected.  Only this time it is deliberate.  The longer the debate goes on the more interest is generated.

    We all know Alokin is a grumpy git, and he LOVES to whine and whinge, and that is because he seeks attention.  That is what I am giving him, public attention.  The thing is he can be quite useful when it comes to translating what the girls say.  So much quicker and better than I can ever be.  So he has his uses.

    Call me cynical if you like, (or anything else for that matter, heard it all before). What I am doing is manipulating him.  I have already had a few PM's from him about "stuff", some may be true, other things maybe not. But they are PM's and not for public consumption, and I keep my word when I say I will not reveal anything to anyone. 

    I have always found you get more from people with a carrot rather than a big stick.  That's why I'm giving him carrots, if I can keep him on board, then we will all be wiser.  That I think is worthwhile.

    "Roksis" on the other hand is more open and useful with his translations, so I am cultivating that avenue as well.

    Now please continue to shoot me down in flames publicly, it all adds to the facade.  Also continue mocking Alokin, he loves it.  So there you have it, my motive is to get a better understanding of N&K and their situation, to try and prolong ther stay on rlc.  If you think I am doing a bad job of it then point me in the right direction, and I'll change tack.

    As I said PM's are private and should remain so I think I can trust you to do the same here.

    1. le5b05


      Thanks for this. ::)

      Now as an update, this is my plan to encourage take up of RLC subscriptions.  If as I suspect that Nina will continue to play PS4 naked/semi naked morning or evening, then I will point out that the best camera is #4, encourage people to subscribe to get the best views.  THAT will please rlc, if there is any take up at all, then they'll be given a stay of execution.

      So do you get where I'm going with this?  Or do you have any other ideas I can adopt?  Most of all I want to keep it alive.

      Kira may have just played a master stroke by getting Nina the PS4.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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