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Posts posted by Dth

  1. Lina Medina (born September 27, 1933, in Ticrapo, Huancavelica Region, Peru) is the youngest confirmed mother in medical history, giving birth at the age of five years, seven months and 17 days. She presently lives in Lima, the capital of Peru.

    Yes she was 5 years old.  Lot of information using google.

  2. Did you know that the age of consent in Nevada is 16

    The age a person can legally consent to sexual activity in the state of Nevada is 16; however, if the adult involved in the sexual act is 21 years of age or older and is a teacher, instructor, professor, administrator, head coach, assistant coach or in certain positions of authority over the minor at an educational institution, it is a crime to have sexual relations with a student under the age of 18. (Unless they are married)

    A 16 year old is a "minor" under the laws of the state of Nevada and is under the legal authority of their parent or guardian. There can be other legal risk to adults over the age of 18 who are involved with a minor sexually if the parents pursue legal actions to terminate the relationship.

    From sexlaws.org.

  3. If you are going to play doctor then start with this:From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    OPQRST is an mnemonic used by medical professionals to accurately discern reasons for a patient's symptoms and history in the event of an acute illness. It is specifically adapted to elicit symptoms of a possible heart attack.[1] Each letter stands for an important line of questioning for the patient assessment.[2][3] This is usually taken along with vital signs and the SAMPLE history and would usually be recorded by the person delivering the aid, such as in the "Subjective" portion of a SOAP note, for later reference.

    "PQRST" (omitting "O") is sometimes used instead.[4][5][6]

    The term "OPQRST-AAA" adds "aggravating/alleviating factors", "associated symptoms", and "attributions/adaptations".[7]


    The parts of the mnemonic are:

    Onset of the event

    What the patient was doing when it started (active, inactive, stressed), whether the patient believes that activity prompted the pain,[1] and whether the onset was sudden, gradual or part of an ongoing chronic problem.

    Provocation or palliation

    Whether any movement, pressure (such as palpation) or other external factor makes the problem better or worse. This can also include whether the symptoms relieve with rest.

    Quality of the pain

    This is the patient's description of the pain. Questions can be open ended ("Can you describe it for me?") or leading.[8] Ideally, this will elicit descriptions of the patient's pain: whether it is sharp, dull, crushing, burning, tearing, or some other feeling, along with the pattern, such as intermittent, constant, or throbbing.

    Region and radiation

    Where the pain is on the body and whether it radiates (extends) or moves to any other area. This can give indications for conditions such as a myocardial infarction, which can radiate through the jaw and arms. Other referred pains can provide clues to underlying medical causes.


    The pain score (usually on a scale of 0 to 10). Zero is no pain and ten is the worst possible pain. This can be comparative (such as "... compared to the worst pain you have ever experienced") or imaginative ("... compared to having your arm ripped off by a bear"). If the pain is compared to a prior event, the nature of that event may be a follow-up question. The clinician must decide whether a score given is realistic within their experience - for instance, a pain score 10 for a stubbed toe is likely to be exaggerated. This may also be assessed for pain now, compared to pain at time of onset, or pain on movement. There are alternative assessment methods for pain, which can be used where a patient is unable to vocalise a score. One such method is the Wong-Baker faces pain scale.

    Time (history)

    How long the condition has been going on and how it has changed since onset (better, worse, different symptoms), whether it has ever happened before, whether and how it may have changed since onset, and when the pain stopped if it is no longer currently being felt.

    And end with take two aspirins and call me in the morning.  This is what I would here my dad say a lot at 2 am in a small town with only 3 doctors about 40 years ago.  Sex ed back then was playboys and his  medical books and the girl down the road.

  4. I can not find an adjective to describe this monster

    His wife has been hospitalized in emergency instead of supporting or worry about it, the first thing he has to do: call his gay boyfriend to get in front of the TV and play

    This type take this girl so that she may live

    Is it a PSYCHO?

    I feel he was just making a statement or maybe asking a question about if he has any experience with a male.  I have not seen him with a man but I would not get uptight if he was with a man or not.  like he said reread his post.  there is know reason to hate some one for posting the word gay.  Hate him because he made a pass at you and you said no and he did not stop.  You can hate for a lot of reasons but just asking a question or posting a comment is not one of them.  Also how can you hate if you do not know someone.

    Stop the doom and gloom. She is probably not dying...

    On the other hand, the attitude of Ruslan reflects well what everybody think. He is a country bumpkin character with very limited power of analysis. A form of unconsciousness somehow.

    I didn't know he was gay...  ;D

    Stop giving lessons to others, Who are you to tell me what I should say.

    Is gay term that bothers you?

  5. Very good job, sir.

    Link not necessarily related:

    For those who are too young to know that is a mushroom cloud.  Not the kind of mushroom you should take.

    If you see one been over and kiss your ass good bye. It was years later that I learned duck and cover would not work.  Also playing god save the queen will not help you, me or anyone.

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