Maybe moose and squirrel should move in. I have not seen a box yet. If you see a box then they will move in a week. If the cam in under maintenance they are moving out. All of CC posters know the signs of a couple moving out.
He came 6.12 at about 20.40 and left 8.12 at about 4.00.
I care. I get tired of hearing about post photos, videos, More sex, more nudity,
Also did Agent Dog get reassign?
I hate the English language I was born and raised here. Three ways to spell one word to,two, to. I before C except after C why? and others that do not make since to me.
Is the newsletter from RLC Real or made up by some CC member? Was that the only newsletter? what else does it print? If it is real do you believe it? or did that print that just to get more paid members? In the old days newspapers would make up stories to sale more of there papers.
This is very old news. every now and then someone starts a post about do not pay RLC or cancel your membership. Nothing will change do what you want. You can post tell hell friezes over but it gets old. Your not the first to post do not pay nor will you be the last.
If you are unhappy then maybe you should get a life. There is a great post about how some people need to step away from RLC as it is not that important. It is the beginning of the holidays time for family and friends. If you do not have a friend then you should get off the internet and make some.
Younger or order sister? Also there was a post sometime ago that they left because she was or wanted to get pregnant. If it is her did she leave him because he could not get her pregnant? If it is her and they did split I do not think he will come around to see her. Did anyone see them packing. I think that the cams left and that they own the place and are still there. But there are only Two people that know for sure what happen and if it is her. That is K and N. Unless they come over to visit her sister.