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Everything posted by SPYING 1

  1. BREAKING NEWS Scotus Throws Out Mag Bans & Assault Weapon Bans WWW.TACTICALSHIT.COM According to ibtimes On the heels of last week’s landmark ruling expanding individual gun...
  2. Edible Things You Should Never Actually Eat LIFEHACKER.COM Cocktail garnishes are meant to be seen, not tasted, people.
  3. UK climate activists glue hands to Vincent van Gogh painting at London museum WWW.FOXNEWS.COM British climate activists on Thursday glued their hands to the frame of an 1889 painting by...
  4. US officials, Taliban to hold talk in Doha on Afghanistan's frozen funds | Business Standard News WWW.BUSINESS-STANDARD.COM US sources claimed that Joe Biden's administration was working with the Taliban on a...
  5. Pulo hope you're doing good also all CC members have a great day
  6. GRAPHIC: Illegal Migrant Trying To Run Away From Agents Get Hit And Killed By Car | The Daily Caller DAILYCALLER.COM An illegal migrant who was allegedly smuggled over the southern border into Texas was...
  7. Why Was Prince Charles Getting Bags Stuffed With Cash From Arab Sheiks? – 2020 Conservative 2020CONSERVATIVE.COM
  8. Clarence Thomas suggests COVID vaccines are created with cells from "aborted children" WWW.AXIOS.COM No coronavirus vaccine in the U.S. contains the cells of aborted fetuses.
  9. AOC calls Supreme Court EPA ruling on power plant emissions 'catastrophic' WWW.FOXNEWS.COM Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said the Supreme Court's ruling on...
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