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Posts posted by SPYING 1

  1. 9 hours ago, Amy3 said:

    So, anyone want to place a wager on something? I figure Alex has a amassed quite a few credits over that last couple of days. By credits I mean he's earned the privledge to fuck some other women. My best guess is that Nyusha is target #1. However, what I would absolutely love to see that will never ever happen, would be for Alex to creep over the Lisa's place and fuck Lisa and Em at the same time. Now, that would be epic!

    Anyways, anyone want to bet against Alex having sex with Nyusha next?

    I rather wager against Las Vegas or the devil himself before betting against Amy:rolleyes:

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  2. 7 minutes ago, turkey said:

    According the last month reply´s , I have the idea that the viewers have more problems whit the situation than Maya and Stepan . Its there life , let them go ,they doing very well . Oke they have no sex , they don´t fight or something worst .This is " real life ".:biggrin: 

    In real life you either leave your girlfriend or if you're married you divorce the wife & start a new life with a new girl

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