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Posts posted by SPYING 1

  1. 3 minutes ago, Nightjar said:

    From what I have seen today the atmosphere in this apartment has been pretty hostile all day. No talking, keeping to different rooms and  Stepan spending a long time in bed away from his computer.. Both left in the evening for short spells but not together and they returned  separately. I wonder if at all kicked off at some point?


    I don't see this house getting any better for either one of them, sooner or later RLC will have to closed this house

  2. 2 minutes ago, kalevipoeg said:

    Who has independence in your country? Independence is meant for everybody, not just for ME ME ME people. How much money have the 22 million poor Americans invested for the better life of their children - the people who are in continuous danger to lose even their health insurances?

    So you're saying that only America has poor people ?? Our poor live better than the poor of any other country !! Our poor has F R E E






    and they DON'T have to work

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  3. 4 minutes ago, kalevipoeg said:

    Yes, I understand you do not want to see what is going on around you, your eyes are directed to your own belly-button, you live the AME - ME ME, ME, ME, ME - RICAN way (thanks Maturin for this expression!).

    I understand that you couldn't feed or live without the government making all the decision for you, you see in AMERICA we have INDEPENDENCE, which gives us ambition to invest our money to make a better life for our children.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, Maturin said:

    Taxes that I don't mind paying.  My only concern about where my tax money goes is that it is properly allocated to the social welfare programs that me, my loved ones and everyone I meet benefit from throughout our lives.

    And there I think is the pivot of the difference between TrotskydemocraticsocialdemocraticLeninist Europe and AmeriMeMeMeMeMeCa.

    You couldn't pay me enough to live in your country with the way you think, seriously.

    I like the idea of spending my hard earn money the way i like, giving it to a socialist, communist government to spread the wealth as they want without any imput from the people. No Thanks i value my Freedom & live the AMERICAN way.

    • Like 2
  5. 22 hours ago, Maturin said:

    Except every other Western democratic country. Ask Germany, UK, Scandinavia, France, Italy, Spain - Jesus too many to name, ask them how ther paid holiday, collective worker bargaining, health care that's free at the point of need, health and saftey regulation, living wage, state pension, maternity leave for both parents, need I go on?  I think you'll find that democratic socialism is working a heck of a lot better than you realise.

    If you define the "failiure" of socialism as the nascent attempts by South American countries to follow the European model that are systematically infiltrated and crushed by the US secret services and overt US economic bullying every time, then as I keep saying, I don't think you understand what socialism is.

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry when I see posts like this cheering about how you are allowing the hypercapitalists in your country to completely fuck you over whilst they ensure that neighbouring countries are unable to follow a different path.

    What a world we live in :(


    You left out all the taxes you have to pay

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  6. On 10/17/2017 at 2:22 PM, Amy3 said:

    Yes, a socialist! She didn't come out like Bernie, because it wasn't in her interest to be so visibly solcialist. She needs some of that middel ground where the traditional John F Kennedy type liberals live. She could never win if she showed her true colors. It's very evident to me that she was the head of a clandestine society of policital insiders, whose aim is to create a one world Government that they can cotrol. I'll vote for an idiot over that any day. Her private server is all th evidence one needs to prove this point. She purposefully skirted the visible Government so that she could run her operations under the table unnoticed. While Trump is an idiot, Hillary is evil. That was the choice we were given. Take your pick.

    Amy you keep impressing me, you have knowledge in all the subjects we talk about, and most importantly you have common sense which isn't so common anymore.

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