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Posts posted by SPYING 1

  1. 16 minutes ago, Maturin said:

    I'm from the UK, lived for many years in Barcelona and now live in Sweden.  Every single one of those countries is orders of magnitude more preferable than living where you do now and running the risk of meeting people like yourself.  Stop using words like socialist and communist or talking about rights and taxes - you clearly have no idea what you are talking about and are making yourself sound even more ridiculous than we all think you are.

    I see you like countries that have KINGS, well in AMERICA we have PRESIDENTS & if we the people don't like the job the President does we vote him out, but socialist and communist don't have the "FREEDOM" to remove their King, I bet when you hear the word King you drop to your knees. Anyway my socialist and communist buddy I have to go to work so the government can take taxes out of my pay so they can give my hard earned money to the democrats of welfare

  2. 5 minutes ago, Maturin said:

    I can definitively state that I do not want to live in America.  Europe has many issues but none of them are on the scale that is caused by the greed, the fear and the unreasonable uninformed tribalism that your country exhibits to the rest of the world.  Are all Americans like this?  No of course they aren't, as evidenced by a small number for example on this site but most Americans are.   You are being fucked over yet you defend the people that are fucking you over because; flags, songs, skin colour, wealth.  Fuck off mate, you'd be hard pushed to find any educated European, Asian, South American or even African that wants to live in your country.

    Look at how you treat the refugees that are bombed out of their livelihoods because of your resource wars?  It's scummy. Beyond scummy.  WHat person in their right mind would want to leave what they have and set up and contribute to your awful standards?  The more Trump and Pence act and the more their supporters blindly follow them and seek to shut down any dissent, then the more your country becomes like a failing totalitarian state.  Fuck that, I'll stay where I am, away from the likes of you mate.

    You Spying, epitomise through your words, everything that is gross, base, uncultured and unreasonable about this place you idolise.  America could and should be better than people like you and its time that decent Americans take their fucking country back from you all and make it decent again.

    I noticed you don't mention the country you live in, I know you're embarrassed of your country !! By all means stay in your socialist ? communist country, where they tax you very heavy & crush your rights, while millions of migrants are invading your country & sucking the life out of your kids future !!

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  3. 3 minutes ago, kalevipoeg said:

    As I said, I do not approve of that kind of business, though somebody may say America is a free country and entrepreneurs shall be allowed to develop their business as freely as possible. I thought these things happen in the poor countries only, but I understand there are plenty of poor people in the U.S. - over 20 million? In this case, I would suggest very strict control by the government, which shall not be regarded as socialism, though I know you hate government control.

    We AMERICAN don't like government control, Our forefather fought so we could be F R E E, but we have a growing number of people in AMERICA that want to live on WELFARE & doesn't want to work & contribute to our society

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  4. 18 minutes ago, kalevipoeg said:

    Do you mean the American hospitals sell the fetus after abortions? To whom? That is not acceptable, only scientific purposes can be justified. You think abortion is about murdering kids. That is an extremely black and white opinion, a conservative male opinion that does not take into account women´s opinions. Have you ever thought of the reasons leading to abortion and the consequences for especially the women if abortion was not allowed? Having or not having a baby is part of the women´s rights of deciding on the privacy of their bodies. Of course abortion shall not be used to substitute contraception.

    After having visited Florida for about ten times, I have not been there in the last ten years or so, and I don´t think I will ever go again. And if most people will be carrying a gun there, I would not even dare.


  5. 7 minutes ago, kalevipoeg said:

    Do you mean the American hospitals sell the fetus after abortions? To whom? That is not acceptable, only scientific purposes can be justified. You think abortion is about murdering kids. That is an extremely black and white opinion, a conservative male opinion that does not take into account women´s opinions. Have you ever thought of the reasons leading to abortion and the consequences for especially the women if abortion was not allowed? Having or not having a baby is part of the women´s rights of deciding on the privacy of their bodies. Of course abortion shall not be used to substitute contraception.

    After having visited Florida for about ten times, I have not been there in the last ten years or so, and I don´t think I will ever go again. And if most people will be carrying a gun there, I would not even dare.

    How quickly you are to say {Women rights to abortion} but the rest of AMERICA doesn't have a right to own guns !!!

  6. 1 hour ago, kalevipoeg said:

    I read of that law on the Internet. Just horrible, I could not have believed that something like that exists in the western world. Here are some comments I found.


    Florida first adopted the self-defense law that removed the duty to retreat in 2005, and local law enforcement immediately identified the trouble in providing citizens with a shoot-first-ask-questions-later right.

    Whether it’s trick-or-treaters or kids playing in the yard of someone who doesn’t want them there or some drunk guy stumbling into the wrong house,” former Miami police chief John F. Timoney told the New York Times, “you’re encouraging people to possibly use deadly physical force where it shouldn’t be used.”

    In the eight years since, the law has been invoked to protect drug dealers and gang members from murder charges, and it’s allowed personal disputes over lovers, possessions, and yes, trash bags, to escalate into bloody murder scenes without consequences.

    What in the hell is our state government doing passing a law encouraging our citizens to solve disputes with guns?,” Arthur Hayhoe, executive director of the Florida Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, told the Tampa Bay Times. “This is the right-to-commit-murder law.”

    In my 32 years of gun ownership, i've never had to shoot nobody, In FLORIDA you expect most people will be carrying a gun. Now how concern are you about the hundred of thousand babies that are murder every year ?? After those babies are murdered their bodies are sold for a profit, would like to hear from you on the topic of ABORTION !!!

  7. 3 hours ago, kalevipoeg said:

    How does your option hold in court? Can you just say that this two-legged animal threatened my family, so I had the right to shoot him dead?

    Haven't you noticed that most everyone on this great earth want to be Free & live in AMERICA  ?? 

    The people from poor countries want to move to America, even though they are treated badly in most of the jobs. I doubt very much if the people from rich countries want the same, especially now when Trump has totally spoiled your image.

    In FLORIDA we have the "STAND YOUR GROUND LAW" So yes if you're family or any person life is in danger you can use deadly force

  8. 5 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    You and me both! It's a terrible hablit. I managed to quit. Here's how you do it. You pick a moment in time that can never be replaced. For me it was a Misfits concert. Anyways, what you do it you pick that moment and you smoke your last cirgarette. Then, afterwards, you never, ever, smoke another cigarette ever again no matter what. And I mean, no matter what. After a few months or so, you'll start to realize just how bad it smells and you will avoid it like the plague. I can't stand the smell now.

    Good luck Jeff and Violet! You can do it. If not today, someday please. :heart:

    If i smell cigarettes smoke i get a headache, the people that smoke at my job stink i can smell them from 5 feet away

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  9. 10 minutes ago, kalevipoeg said:

    In my country, GOD does not participate in legislating. Did your GOD tell you to buy guns? I do not have a GOD, but I have noticed many GODs support arms, war, violence. I am sure you hate the muslims, because their GOD has made them all terrorists in your mind, and you would want to disarm them. Why not disarm everybody, including the Americans? Some countries seem to think that one of their constitutional rights is to have nuclear arms. Right now, both North Korea and the U.S. have nuclear arms (I am not that sure about North Korea) and both have crazy leaders who might use their arms one day. Can we really be happy with the right "to defend ourselves" with arms or use arms in conflicts between countries? How has the U.S. defended their own citizens by using arms in the Middle and Far East?

    I don't hate or want to disarm anybody, but i sleep real good knowing that if the "EVIL TWO LEGGED ANIMALS" try to hurt my family, i have the option to stop him, do you have that option ?? In Europe there has been many gang rapes done by migrants, would you be able to stop that ??

  10. 37 minutes ago, kalevipoeg said:

    Yesterday I read in a newspaper that there are 265 million guns in the U.S. That is shocking, unbelievable and truly sad. In a society that calls itself civilized, people need guns at home to protect themselves whenever needed (!), and all that is based on the constitutional right. Annually 30,000 people get killed by gunshots, two thirds of them are suicides. Can you really be proud of your "rights"?

    You read wrong information, actually there's over 300 millions guns in AMERICA !! I'm a proud AMERICAN, when seconds count the police is hours away, DON'T want to count the safety of my family on the police or government. Protecting our family is out "GOD GIVEN RIGHTS"

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