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Posts posted by SPYING 1

  1. 1 minute ago, Amy3 said:

    Exactly! I agree. It’s seems that some would have us think that only a pro-VH viewpoint is welcome here otherwise you get told that your spoiling the fun. I complain about the free cams, bad tenant behavior, and anything I see that is what I consider anti-voyeurism. That’s always been what I do here. And yes, it’s also the very thing that helped put VH on the map. That is dealing with me and my issues. What changed is that VH decided that they didn’t need me anymore and moreso they don’t need any of you either. Your complaints fall on deaf ears except for a few here who relay and carry the message back to the home office for review. The fact that VH continues to ignore me tells me that they are perfectly content with the way things are and the direction their site is going. I disagree vehemently! But at least I try to explain why even if no one will listen. 

    I’m sorry if you don’t like my comments as of late, but VH is at a crossroads and at some point all of you are going to have to decide if these things I’m talking about matter or not. If you think they don’t that’s fine, but don’t try to silence me from making them just cause you think it spoils the fun. From my perspective, there’s more at stake then just your fun. 

    Yes VH has changed, they no longer care what we have to say, soon or later most member will see that VH DON'T care what we have to say, VH only cares about how much money they can make

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