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Posts posted by SPYING 1

  1. 1 hour ago, ze81 said:

    Imagine you got two warning points in one month Amy,all prior to me saying I can't say things.I just sayed what i tought and was severe punished by that.If I was very rude,called bad names etc I would acept the warnings etc ok,now look to all my posts(negatives or not I have(should)have te right to do it and see if there is reasons to TWO warnings point(one being permanently)put yourself in my skin and think.But thank for the support Amy,this community as been always very open and interesting would hate to see that limited.

    Ze81, I've read your post on this thread & you haven't said or done anything wrong.


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  2. 9 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

    It goes up all the time. Last i heard it was 19 - I think my eyes were watering (with amazement) when they said it was 10.

    That's not a lot of guns, when i go to the gun range i take more guns than that. Here in America we have gun collectors, target shooters, hunters, & most importantly we have guns for "SELF DEFENSE" 

  3. 4 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

    See inbuilt propaganda. Just repeat the same simplistic argument as a substitute for debate. You are totally entitled to your opinion though but I don't think i can rationally argue with you any more than I could with a creationist.

    Being an AMERICAN, having our "BILL of RIGHTS" gives us freedom no other country has !! While i DON'T understand how people can live under a Socialist or Communist country, i won't criticize your country

  4. 50 minutes ago, Maturin said:

    Seriously?  That's the best you've got? Are you expecting me or someone else to explain the difference to you between a car accident and pre-meditated mass murder with a deadly weapon?

    Obviously you don't understand the problem isn't the gun. It's the evil persons shooting the gun !! If someone is going to kill & he can't get a gun, he's still going to kill !! Evil person will use a car, plane, hell even fertilizer will cause an explosion.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Maturin said:


    Remember that gun massacre in Australia in 1996, 35 dead and a simlar number wounded.  Australia banned guns and there hasn't been another one since.

    Las Vegas is the 273rd mass shooting in America in the last 275 DAYS.

    Talking about other ways in which people can mass murder each other is absolutely redundant when you ignore the single biggest current way that people are commiting mass murder.

    Almost 50,000 people a year died from auto accident, are we going to ban automobiles  ??

  6. 18 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Let me guess, they are going to put in better cams. The tenants have standards and the cams just haven't been good enough for their performances. Oh no, I got it they are going to "promise to try harder"! Oh no wait, Jeka and Sara are going to move in and show them how it's done. 

    Or.............maybe VH is finally going to close the apt this week like they should have done over a month ago? 🤔

    Amy hopefully VH gets the testicular & intestinal fortitude to kick these guys out & bring a fun couple into this house

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  7. 38 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

    WTF is the matter with people, Las Vegas mass shooting 10 pm last night.

    50 plus dead, over 400 wounded.

    Please take minute to keep all the victims and family in your thoughts and prayers, and those who are struggling with the madness.

    That's terrible, why do evil people go after innocent bystanders. These poor bystanders just want to relax & have fun. They were killed for no apparent reason.

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