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Posts posted by SPYING 1

  1. 13 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Exacty! ....and guess what it has exactly the same effect on subcribers! They just don't get it do they. Listen Eric and Layla, while you are protecting yourself from freeloaders viewing you, you are also causing subscibers to pass you up too. There are a LOT of apts now and surfing them all means flipping through the apts. When a paid subsriber hits this apt they go to the Hall view cam. Since the curtain is almost completely blocking the view into the room, subcibers may figure no one is there and move on to the next apt. That how it works in the real world of porn surfing. Click, can't seeing anything, next! So, by having the curtain there, they are in fact costing themselves real views ($$$). 

    Amy you're right on, Layla & Eric won't get any minutes of my viewing time, I'll use those extra minutes on Edda, Lisa, & Serena

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  2. 1 minute ago, Amy3 said:

    I'm a subcriber again. Thank you very much Groomy! So, allow me to continue my rant. Right now the door is open. They need to take it off the hinges and put it in the closet. It's hurting their views. PERIOD!

    Amy they're not shy, they shouldn't be closing the freaking door, as a guest you can't see the details of what they're doing, but at least you can see that they are inside the bedroom

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