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Chris b

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Everything posted by Chris b

  1. and the day temp does not get much above 3c this week 1c one day 2c onther and -3 next week as a high who whats to go out in that so like the short days i think you dont go out and the time just because irrelevant. I come from a country where the winter temperature doesn't drop below 16c and thats on bad days and summer its about 28c to 33c so i think if i was in a place with 6h sunlight ( sinrise 10am sunset 4pm ) i to would not live the house and lose all sense of time but yes the time was correct at midnight they both tasted the new year pretty well right on time ... nina and the other girl ( kira was out )
  2. Kira got back right on 2 am and nina with her fluctuating mood swings from angry mad yelling to very happy meet kira at the door and was very happy to see her ! and kira had 3 bags full of things for nina. nina tock the bags to the lounge and started to go though them item-by-item very happy and jubilant ! kira went and got changed and come out she went to the other girls and gave her a hug ! I think it was like a sorry about leaving her with crazy ( Nina ) with big thank you Hug so i dont know what nina has going crazy at midnight for and one other time looks like kira was out doing a midight sale shopping run ! but thats Nina she goes from happy on the lounge looking at her phone to yelling and throwing things then back to happy on the lounge with in 5 mins and not once a few times she almost definitely has some mental health issues ( nina ) . but now its 5.20 am and no one is in the lounge i think Kira and nina are in bed But where is the other girl ? she is not on the lounge did she leave ! ??? I would not think she would have ? at 4 qm or so .. is she in bead with the other girls ???? let 2018 answer all our questions
  3. Nina and de the other girl are having a disagreement now I reckon Nina blames her i think she thinks she has they hots for each other its strange she is not fighting with her yelling at he now i think kira would be beter off with the new girls more stable and not crazy and not as paranoid like Nina ..but who know i dont know Russian they have calmed down now
  4. nina and doe eyes as you call her did not fight i think kira and nina had a fight earlierr tonight and kira left and did not return by midnight and nina is pissed off and doe eyes is keeping out of her way ! i think kir a is cleaning carpet somewhere else maybe tonight mmmmm clening carpet
  5. nina light hair has alway been there well im new here as well the other girl DE dark hair i think she is is new satying there the past month or more
  6. but that doesn't explain her throwing the papers and then screaming and yelling
  7. no I mean earlier on in the night there is three champagne glasses on the table so wondering if it was a fight a few hours ago
  8. I dont know what the fight was about as i did not see anything but nina was so pissed off just as midnight come . as i said i think maybe kira and nina had a fight and kira waked out and did nott come back by midnight ! and that why she flipped I i womnder if this new girl DE if kira has the hots for her and would like to be her new carpet cleaner ? and that is what causing all the tension lately this is just a thought going on because people saying they been fighting a lot lately mind you Nina is a bit crazy and highly strung I think she's got issues have wait and see......... as i said maybe nina went to out and found some other ladys capert in need of a good clening tonight who knows
  9. out of the blue Nina first in the rage and now she's just pissed off ..Jesus nina just gone crazy all of a sudden I'm wondering if they had a fight and Kira walked out earlier and didn't come back by midnight and that's why she's flipping out I'm wondering if kira found someone else's carpet to clean tonight
  10. its new years eve midnight and no Kira ? in the app just Nina and the other girl
  11. I am a guy .... i am not a girl .... as i said some will disagree and some boob jobs are done well ! but some are just shocking and look so fake. some off the ladies shown here already had reasonable size breasts before they have the implants but kittys are just to big to fast there like big pointers that will poke your eyes out.. needs to get a new tattoo warning people of the danger of eye injury. thy look a lot like shemale ladyboy boobs. because kittys boobs where so small to start will ( that's why she hardly almost never took her bra off ) it would have looked better not going so big i can I can honestly say they would be hard as a rock to sqeeze it doesn't take anyone with any sense to see they don't look natural they just look fake she could jump up and down on the spot and those boobs would not move in any way they're rock hard. what i am saying is she should had gone 2 sierze smaller...... all i am saying is she went to big for her size body and she had very small tones to start with, her new boobs look so fake its like seeing a thai ladyboy. here are 2 photos of breast augmentation (breast implants) where they look kind of nateral they have not gone over the top in size and look good.... that all i am saying i am not saying breast augmentation (breast implants is bad i am saying kittys look shocking she tryed going to big for her size
  12. I know people are going to think im nuts for saying this but. Kittys boobs look shocking there to big thy just look hard and fake. to squeeze them would be like squeezing a hard plastic bottle. i know some ladies want them and some look ok but kittys just look so fake and hard YUK i think i would I would prefer my natural soft ones Boobs. they just look yuk
  13. i post this because its possible this is where Nina and kira live !
  14. I am going to post something a little off topic But on topic. In the western media Ukraine is reported as been a bit of a backwater I'd like to take this opportunity and dispel this myth i dont know if your allowd to post a youtube clip here but what the hell the last 5 min of this clip and guy tells you about Kiev, Ukraine: past war German occupation and the Soviet Union saving them the fall of communism and the current war after watching this 20 minute clip you will come away with a new appreciation for the Ukraine and know the true Ukraine
  15. Re 24 hour shops . I would say thay live in one of the apartment buildings most do and and between cam 1 and 2 you see a window but but that would be a balcony. do some research on YouTube about apartments in Russia generally they build them in a group and on the bottom floor there often shops like hair dresser 24 hourse shops they dont have every thing but like a small shops also in russia your electricity Internet acc run on credit and the shops you can top that up bit like the UK do these shops open late as most have to travil to work on the metro so many get home home late Kira get home at about 11.30 pm but goes to work at 9.20 am about so its late when she get home and i guess goes to the shop on the ground floor on her way homwe sometimes dhave a look on your tube copy paste ( Non-touristic Kyiv. Rough area of Kiev - Troeshchyna ) this is only one clip showing outside apartments in Kiev so i would say that it would be a matter of going down the elevator and walk to shop in one of the buldings close by
  16. I am new here But i have to say Nina does seen to be some what lazy. I belive those dishes in the sink were there all day yesterday and she did nothing and its only Kira i have seen doing the rubbish bag all i see nina do is sit around on the phone playing the playstion most of the day. maybe im wrong but that what i have noticed
  17. no i have 25000 speed its the network there i guess but cam 3 runs a lot better most of the time so i think its the cameras more so
  18. I have a questuon has anyone noticed cam 1 and 2 a freezing up a lot And its 12.45 am and kira and nina are having dinner ! thats a bit late for me and one other point the heating in russia is good considering they walk around comfortably with no clothes on inside the temperature in Russia and that area is around 13c degrees to 20c degrees daytime and down to 10c at night at the moment
  19. I could be wrong but maybe the new girl was wanting some lesbian love but I don't think kira and nina wanted any part of it just a thought
  20. it's possible a friend having relationship problems
  21. Nina has some cards and has been talking no stop about them for 10 min and after looking hard i dont know i think there like ( Tarot cards ) like angel Tarot look them up i dont know but it looks like thats what they are and you are the fact Kira wears the pants in the house and even if nina does not approve with another girl even if Kira did bring someone home for a sexual interest as you say she can not really abujet as oi think she know not to ok things are strange now she is crying the new girls have to wait and see
  22. they have brought somebody else home is she another threesome victim at the moment she's laying on the floor with her dress up and kira keeps glancing down because she kira can see her pussy and the girl on the floor i think is doing it on on purpose
  23. its 00.54 am and Nina and kira are home giving the kids big kisses ( when i say kids i mean cats ) Nina mustn't be happy with her hair within 6 minutes of getting home kira doing it with bleach strips
  24. I am new here i have a question with reallifecam if you join the Standard Membership i know that gives you acsess to nina and kiras cam my quetion does the Standard Membership give you acsess to all there camers in there appartmant
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